Official list of Michael Twee scandals

Higgins is a horrible role model in an age of obesity related deaths. There should be height to radius threshold so if your waist is more than your height you are disqualified.

Enda Kenny must be thinking he should have run for it.


Both hate lefties

Kenny would romp home to the park.


Casey giving 8 billion to another set of scroungers whole fuck off as soon as they’ve a degree.

Higgins is to the left, to the left.

Higgins is too old for 2 nights on the spin.

You said above trump is insulting people. Did he insult you, or are you taking up causes again online. Still no opinion offered on anything you cowardly cunt

He nearly shook the podium down yesterday when liadh had a hop off him.

She had to give him a rub on the arm to soothe him.

Not fit for office.

Well, well, well…cc @Tassotti

savage smear campaign being conducted against the President

If our Leader personally hates the Jews he clearly puts his position above those thoughts.
A nobel man.

He did his job so well, was broadly lauded by so many he was coaxed into running again.
He is a selfless man who is one of the greatest Public Servants this Country has ever seen.


Why does he employ a personal rentboy, funded by the taxpayer?


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I won’t be voting in this ridiculous charade. Mick d does seem an alright sort so wouldn’t.mind see him do it again. State of the rest of them ffs


You know the score as usual. :+1:

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Have you not seen Trump insult anyone? Do you live under a rock or are you stupider than I think you are?

Did he insult you? Does what he says affect you? No, then why are you whinging about it. I see you still won’t give an opinion on what vote Casey will get, or any opinion, you just want to make your shrieks heard and emojis seen

What are you on about? Is not acceptable to not be a fan of someone insulting someone else? Are you really really thick?

What relevance does trump have to you and to this election, you introduced him to this thread

Really really thick. Really really? Can you talk like an adult, even if you can’t debate like one

Why don’t you just go back and read my original post a few times until you understand it and stop trying to start arguments you can’t win you fucking moron.