Official Netherlands supporter thread

Dutch pancakes

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Holland is my favourite country in Europe and my favourite holiday destination. However as far as the soccer goes iā€™ll be shouting for the Spaniards.

Thanks to Lazarus for my treasured membership of the Dutch green club* but Iā€™m shouting for Spain on Sunday like a good ungrateful Irish lad !

PS- *The fcukers are much dearer than KIBā€™s blackboardā€¦ :angry:

Donā€™t care who wins. I would prefer to see a good game with a minimum of diving, wincing at nothing tackles, whingeing and generally pussy-acting.
Then again, Iā€™m a dreamer.

Rotterdam is rocking tonight as our lads put the frogs to the sword

Memphis mugged the spurs fella right off.

Great post

Tremendous insight, we badly miss him