Official TFK GAA Coaches Corner

You have to kick the ball to claim a mark

  1. This is supposed to be a damn business - The ask for spare tickets for a match is embarrassing
  1. Stupidly asking people to post their email addresses for everyone else to see on Twitter and people thick enough to do it


I’m gonna send on all the emails to Bang

Cc @Julio_Geordio

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In my coaching life, I’ve found myself coming back to the this post from time to time. A savant.

Not coaching related but has anybody ever done the role of Insurance Officer for a club? Basically completing the claims forms for the club, gathering receipts and liaising with the insurer. I’ve been asked would I take it on

Some decent stuff from this account

Never did the role but Scour the club for some parent in the industry, you might be lucky and get some assistance.

Yep, it’s top class. Alot of the time you can use the video clips to explain things to your team.

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They are good lads. Love the little sly digs thrown in also particularly against Davy.

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We go again.

We have to shuffle the pack this morning as 20 of the lads have been commandeered by the school for communion choir duty.

We’ll just have to get a tune out of what’s available.


Our lads are down to the bare bones too. Only 30 kids playing with all the communions…

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Holy hand of fuck, could you imagine pulling out this cunt of a yoke.



One. hundred. And. Twenty. Euro.

What the hell

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A christmas table cloth and a few poker chips

Kev has 3

You’d need a gazebo and a table on the side of the pitch to put it on .

Like a General in the American Civil war


Saw an astro one laid out a few years back. 20m × 7m I’d say. Class for restarts and set play walkthroughs.

Games gone. Critchley never needed that