Official TFK GAA Coaches Corner

Good offer on the McKeever website at the minute

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I absolutely love Kev. Post Augusta, he’s giving driving ranges & putting greens the hurling wall treatment. Butch Harmon doesn’t have a notion, you’ll only play your best golf in competition if somebody’s tackling you in training.


That’s gas. Fundamentally at any normal golfers levels if you can get a consistent swing and putting technique you are sorted. Regardless of how stylish or not it is. I would be open to suggestion how you could get that consistently outside of constant repetition but I can’t for the life of me imagine how you would


There is nothing Kev isn’t an expert on


Contemporary Israeli tools?

Next level shit here

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Bit of a maths lesson going here within a game of backs and forwards.

What a pile of wank

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Kev gets massive numbers out to all his sessions

There’s a rule in coaching, and one I often struggle with, but if you can’t explain it in 30seconds it’s too complicated.

I’m one of the top u7 coaches in north east West Limerick and I don’t have a clue what’s going on.


I’ll refrain from trotting out the usual line. It looks like a load of bollocks to me anyway.

It’s typical of the circle jerk shit you see from the ‘Twitter coaches’, to a man a plague on modern GAA.

I’m determined to win this year.

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Great memories …

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Just throw on an extra couple of players. Carry on a proud tradition and no one will notice


I’d say it’ll be endemic this year.

I’m already telling the lads to take 7 steps and no ref is blowing that.

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I’m calling bullshit on that.

It was u11 for a start.

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And the stats could have been as simple as making sure all the players were getting equal playing time and logging who has been on or off. I doubt any coach would be keeping possession or tackle stats for an u11 challenge game

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Ah it kinda makes sense to be fair.

That’s the way it’s gone now unfortunately.

Rule changes required but unfortunately GAA leadership just don’t get it and I don’t have any desire to engage in the politics to make a change.

It’s simple really, if you come across a fella doing stats on any game below U15 you should ridicule him relentlessly for the duration of the game