Official TFK GAA Coaches Corner

But we played loads of it before we ever got training. If they didn’t get it at the field now they’d never play it. I do think anything before u10s is just babysitting really.
That said I can’t get the 2 year old in out of the garden. All he wants is to play ball. Not sure where it changes along the way.
Probably parents own laziness, sticking them in front of a screen is a lot handier

When i started playing properly aged 7, on my first day at training i had to do a “skills test” for the U12 coach. Three things had to be done.

  1. Pull on the ball on the ground.
  2. Strike ball from hand.
  3. Take a free (roll & jab lift)

It was expected you’d be able to do all those things before you even started organised training.

Nowadays there’s a lot of 7 year olds with about 4 years training under their belts and they can barely do any of that.


I’m their coach and I can’t do it


I’d say I was 12 before I could do any of that and my free taking would still be shite.

No wonder ye have such wristy hurlers and we have to manufacture them

The rule in our club at the time was you had to be 7 to play. With me having a summer birthday it meant i could only join halfway through the season.

By taking a free it was really just a case of rising the ball and making any sort of connection with it but i did manage to score mine from the 13m line despite not making the cleanest of strikes. The U12 coach said to my mother “he’s fine” and sent me off to train with the U10’s for the day.

Our U10 team would have been filled mostly with 7 and 8 year olds as the good 9’s and 10’s would have been playing U12. A very similar situation i suppose to the current U20/Senior debacle. The odd 9 and 10 year old might receive the biggest insult possible when they’d be ‘released’ back to U10 if they weren’t showing enough energy and enthusiasm for the rough and tumble of U12 Hurling.

I think the reason Tipp produced so many wristy hurlers back around then was because there used be loads and loads of ground hurling blitzes at U10/11 level. Ground hurling done right, is brilliant for the wrists. Im not sure if they’ve gone out of fashion now at juvenile level.


Despite all that we made you into a full back

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I have a theory that small kids are more accurate at kicking from their hands as there is less surface area on their foot for them to slice it

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It’s my lads third season playing and they haven’t lifted the ball yet. The games are still hockey essentially. Causes serious ire amongst the few kids who have figured it out themselves


I’ve heard the GAA are going to start coming down hard on any club that hosts a blitz for players u12 down where scores are kept and/or trophies presented.

As someone who may be organising two of these shortly, what the actual fuck?

Similar. We have an end of year Memorial Day where we invite local clubs and play a series of blitzes at a mix of ages & codes with trophies awarded in the names of desceased members. A brilliant day out for everyone.

Sounds like we’ll be fined €2,000 if we hold it this year.

It’s just to follow go games rules - can’t publish scores. Can’t have finals or semi finals etc. well you can once you don’t call them that and once no team is “knocked out” medals for all

  • No provision is made to publish scores, to play on a knock-out basis nor to include semi-finals, finals, etc.
    ** No provision is made to present trophies, cups etc. in any code and competition/league from U12 and below. Where certificates/medals are presented in lieu of participation, the same certificate/medal must be presented to every participant.*


You could end up in jail

The lads playing tournaments up and down the country in soccer and basketball and rugby, and the GAA still at this. I can get it for the games alright, but jaysus let them play an aul day long tournament ffs.

Who’s threatening to shop ye?

Not us directly but apparently it’s going to be a hot topic and currently being debated at Croke Park with “reminders” going to clubs shortly. Supposedly they are sick of receiving emails from parents complaining their Johnny didnt get a game at such and such tournament.

Hmmmm. Another beauty coming from Alan Milton so.

Maybe Johnny’s fuckin useless and his parents are using training as a baby minding facility so Breda can go for her power walk.But to be fair all kids should be getting game time when they’re small.

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Ah lads.


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Is he endorsing batin them across the arse with a length of wavin when they misbehave?