Official TFK GAA Coaches Corner

I’m against the mollycoddling approach

“Do you want to be kicking yourself, you cunt, if these lads get over the line without you? Or worse, if they fall short cos you couldn’t get off your arse, you fucking cunt??”


He should probably bring up the mrs too and call her a cunt too.

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Meet for a coffee. Tell him what yere plans are and how he fits in. Then ask what his thoughts are. Tell him ye’d love to have him involved because of his leadership etc., but ultimately it’s his decision. Give him time to reflect. When he comes back with answer, if it’s a no, tell him door is always open if he changes his mind.

Get the other players to approach him. Any of his mates still playing?

This is the best bit of advice, if he doesn’t want in after that leave him off. Last thing you want is having someone there who doesn’t want to be there.

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Also a reasonable path to take in fairness :joy:

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Ulster Council are putting on a couple of coaching clinics here that are run by a fella called S. Flynn from Tipp. Anyone come across this lad? Giving up one of the few sunny Saturdays of the year to listen to a video analyst isn’t very appealing, but he might have more to him than that?

Was involved with Tipp in 2019 as an analyst.

Think he was with Laois this year. From Burgess.

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he’s on the Irish examiner hurling podcast but he seems more interested with having the craic with Dalo et al than giving out some actual statistics, bizarre stuff really.


He coached Ahane last year aswell.

He’s made a bit of a profile for himself.

As to how good he is, hard to know, he obviously has an AI from Tipp in 2019. Ahane did okay under him, I guess.

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I’ve watched a few minutes of the video. Unless the day comes very wet I think we will head to Newcastle for an ice-cream instead.


Built a name for himself on Twitter in fairness but there’s likely multiples of better Analysts around the place who just aren’t as in the open as he is.

Did fine with Ahane but really achieved nothing. Laois this year would’ve been considered a failure.

Are the Ulster Council charging for those clinics? I’d hope not?

The small fee charged is mainly to cover the cost of the tea and biscuits. He sounds like a fella making a bit of a profile for himself without any real achievements to give his voice some weight, seems an odd chap to have doing it but he probably came cheap.

Agreed - odd chap to have going all the way to Ulster especially with his lack of being known. I suppose in another way they could’ve gotten in someone who’s known but is an absolute spoofer and bad speaker, so I dunno.

Hon Ambrose. A nawful slap in the face to the twitter coaches and the likes of Poacher

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This is interesting

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That’s very interesting… only 190 out of the 306 who’ve played senior played minor and u21 too. I thought it would have been higher

190 over 60 years is 3 per age-group (would tend to be more per minor team with lads playing two seasons probabaly more likely to push on). Seems low enough if you consider 10 successive years fo that would only give you 30 players for a a squad in any given year.

I was thinking more that 116 players of the 310 who’ve played senior for tipp didn’t play minor and u21 too. That’s about 40pc. I’d have almost all tipp seniors would play minor and u21. I probably read it all wrong though.