Official TFK GE 2016 Exit Poll

Let us know how you voted with your first preference.

  • Anti Austerity Alliance / People Before Profit :potable_water:
  • Catholic Democrats :church:
  • Communist Party :triangular_flag_on_post: :cn:
  • Direct Democracy :ballot_box_with_check:
  • Fianna Fáil :fuelpump:
  • Fine Gael :blue_book:
  • Fís Nua
  • Green Party :evergreen_tree:
  • Irish Democratic Party
  • Labour Party :moneybag:
  • Renua Ireland :vertical_traffic_light:
  • Sinn Féin :gun: :ronnyroar:
  • Social Democrats
  • Workers’ Party :two_men_holding_hands:
  • Workers and Unemployed Action
  • Independent Alliance
  • Independents 4 Change :rainbow:
  • Other Independent
  • Spoiled Vote

0 voters


Some excellent emoticons there for the parties @Rocko

Fine Gael/Renua coalition odds on so far, the absolute dream

:egg: for the social democrats

just voted
gave Renua a vote and FG. left it at that

best of luck to all voters making their trip to the polls

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Why is there no option for the non voters?

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Because we’re deviants, and there’s no place for that carry on around here.

Just lifted Labour above the Aaa and the communists. Hope it’s not too little too late.

Fianna Fail making a late burst before Polls close

I’m with you pal, h’on the starry plough.