You are doing a Peadar on it mate, im telling you openly
Matt Carthy is a smug dick
Rod bitch slapping carrhy
He called Minister McEntee “Helen” serious lack of respect by the lad who shouts a lot.
Helen is looking well
A good team player.
Carthy is losing votes here with his bonkers ukraine idea
The best thing FF can say here is say nothing at all.
Matt Carthy would remind you of a lad trying to get into club while pissed, trying to convince the bouncers he’s sober. Pure scutter out of his mouth.
Hannan seems to have no issue with O’Gorman constantly speaking across Peadar Toibín. She’ll caution anyone else though.
Carthy typifies SF’s stance on several issues including immigration.
Vague double speak trying to pacify everyone.
On this topic specifically…it’s reasonable generic comment followed by dog whistle.
Delusional racist says some bogger hotel is a world famous hotel
He’s woeful. FF surely have better than him to come on and talk.
They seem absolutely baffled with his Ukraine IPAS idea
They cant lay a glove on Rod
I feel good about his incisive contributions.
Toibin is nuts
She’s a racist for wanting the village’s hotel back, right….
Rod will need a good answer to this
For hating other races mate
In rod we trust