Official TFK Irish General Election 2024

Setting this up in advance of Thursday/ Friday when the battle of good vs evil shifts from the US to Ireland.

Simon ‘si’ Harris is expected to call an election this coming Thursday. Most likely via tik tok.

Are the cunts just waiting for the US election to be over so everyone will talk about them?

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But the latest budget has to be tidied up and elements of it passed before the current dail can be dissolved.

Mary Lou calls out Simey the innocent fool

I’ll be voting for the greens.


In Limerick county? Are they even running someone?

If it’s anything other than Collins, ROD and POD I’d be astounded

I think you even have 3 different Collins’s to choose from



A vote for the Green Party is a vote for decency.


I’m gonna wipe my hole with the ballot paper.

The civil servant on OT counting it is free to interpret it as they see fit


That’s very disrespectful & actually quite obscene given the quality field of candidates in your area. You could vote for the SF/IRA candidate OR Brian Stanley, or both of them.

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I didn’t more to vote to Laois. I’m not quite there yet when it comes to my Laoisness

A literal blood and soil vote.

I saw my Raheny Shamrock club mate Shane Folan canvassing outside Killester Dart Station this morning. The heir to Aodhán, he seemed to be buzzing after his beloved Shelbourne won the league. Thankfully he’s discarded that horrible beige coat and was sporting a warmer black winter-style one. There was talk that Labour were trying to parachute a celebrity candidate into Dublin Bay North (Niall Quinn & others were linked) to replace AoR but they’ve ultimately gone for the grassroots option. I’d say he’ll be hard pressed to retain the seat for Labour in a very competitive race.

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I see Antoinette Keegan, that’s Antoinette Keegan of the Stardust families, is standing as a candidate for the National Party, that’s the National Party which is an actual Nazi party started by Hitler lover Justin Barrett and which is filled with Hitler lovers.

I know the news is filled with relentlessly disspiriting stories but it’s particularly disspriting that somebody like this who has met with such injustice and pain can have their head turned so easily by actual Nazis whose sole purpose in life is to inflict as much injustice and pain as possible on anybody they dislike.

I guess she’ll have to change her name to Marie Antoinette now.

its a vote for better public transport & energy efficiency for rural Ireland


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If i vote green will you stop posting chat gfp replies?

Michelle O’Neill, the former international referee will run in the General Election for Fianna Fail in Wexford. She recently ran in the local elections for the Verona crew and got nowhere near being elected.

They’ll be on double bubble on Friday, triple time on Sunday :man_facepalming:t2:

Seems like a token gender quota addition. Reckon there’s definitely not a second FF seat in the new 4-seat constituency.

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