Official TFK UFC Thread

Mcgregor quit that quicker than he quit his apprenticeship, imagine if diaz had 15 days preparation instead of 12. Easy easy


Oh fuck yes. That was fucking great. Once he threw the Stockton Slap that was it

Diaz gets $1m for the fight.
McGregor got $10m

Diaz came in on 11 days notice.

ā€œIā€™m not surprised motherfuckersā€ā€¦ :joy:

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ā€œthereā€™s a new king of this motherfucker, and heā€™s right here!ā€

That was great entertainment.

Iā€™m off my tits here.


Fuckit, my thoughts at this time are with Wooly, fuckin Everton lost as well and Laois are shit.

Was he a great champion in defeat?

He was humble as piss, had no other option after getting demolished in the 2nd like that. All the things he has accused other fighters of were on him tonight, his desperation shoot at the end was poetic justice.

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Laois are gonna be bate Fermanagh today mate. Woolies hooring around Vegas on DOBā€™s buck, heā€™ll be grand.

4ā­ļø Pizzaā€™s buck isnā€™t it? Anyhow between this and the rugby the OTB lads are having a hard time of it.

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No idea, but I doubt it was his.

Ken Earley after posting a quote from McG about how heā€™d never tap out because he felt like a pussy for doing it before and that heā€™d die before doing it again. Oh dear.

Even Holm passed out rather than tapping out.

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Twas sponsored by someone other than Dinny anyhow, he may be the reigning COTY, but heā€™s no fool

McGregor was getting too lippy about taking over Dana Whites role so white is going go to have him written out by the end of the next series.




Diaz, as I said, is a tough mother fucker. McGregor was picking him off handy then he got cocky and got into a brawl, started goading Diazā€¦he should have just kept popping and moving but as soon as Diaz connected he was fuckedā€¦thatā€™s a massive jump in weight and he was reeling from just a couple of punches and the fool tried to go to ground on a jujitsu black belt.

Fair play to him for getting in there two weights up I supposeā€¦be interesting to see where he goes after thisā€¦he might be with Ronda on suicide watchā€¦


Most sense youā€™ve spoken in some time.

Its all arrogance and greed coming home to roost.

They didnā€™t respect the weight change, they didnā€™t have a game plan for Diaz who is a renowned hard cunt who if it goes deep you are in trouble. Talking about Mayweather and all this shit, he was clearly not on the task at hand.

You donā€™t just get power from lifting weights. Moronic approach when you comsider the money involved.

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How embarrassing.