Omagh Bombing: Four Men Liable For Attack

Omagh Bombing: Four Men Liable For Attack

Breaking News1:13pm UK, Monday June 08, 2009

Four men have been found to be liable for the Omagh bombing in a landmark civil case brought by families of the victims.

Alleged Real IRA leader Michael McKevitt was among the four found to be responsible for the 1998 attack.

Three other men - Liam Campbell, Colm Murphy and Seamus Daly - were also judged to be liable for the atrocity.

A fifth man, Seamus McKenna, was cleared of involvement.

The relatives launched the civil action in frustration at the failure to secure a criminal conviction over the attack in August 1998 in which 29 people, plus two unborn children, died.

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[quote=“myboyblue”]Omagh Bombing: Four Men Liable For Attack

Breaking News1:13pm UK, Monday June 08, 2009

Four men have been found to be liable for the Omagh bombing in a landmark civil case brought by families of the victims.

Alleged Real IRA leader Michael McKevitt was among the four found to be responsible for the 1998 attack.

Three other men - Liam Campbell, Colm Murphy and Seamus Daly - were also judged to be liable for the atrocity.

A fifth man, Seamus McKenna, was cleared of involvement.

The relatives launched the civil action in frustration at the failure to secure a criminal conviction over the attack in August 1998 in which 29 people, plus two unborn children, died.

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How much money will they get out of these murdering cunts?

What utter scumbags. Delighted they have been named and shamed again.

[quote=“KIB man”]How much money will they get out of these murdering cunts?

What utter scumbags. Delighted they have been named and shamed again.[/QUOTE]

didnt one of these rotten tramps have a big farm of land?
i doubt there will be much compensation available anyway but regardless id say its not as important as the relief and satisfaction the families will have gotten from the verdict.