On this day

I’m a day late but Kristallnacht happened 85 years ago yesterday. The start of what might have been the darkest chapter in humanity’s history.

A good few gaa clubs as well


An iconic scene


Ah lads, it was so much better back then :heart_eyes:

Stan to big Tone, locely cameo from Alan McLoughlin there too. Beauty.



Getting in early.

30 years now to the greatest night of international qualifiers ever.


Fuck what a night. Football was amazing then for those reasons. Loads of big teams fucked up…A lot of people in that article dead now…


I’ve a vivid memory of half the Irish team celebrating that night while Niall Quinn was convinced we still weren’t through and was live on air asking the lads in the studio if we’d made it and even they couldn’t figure it out as matches were still going. And in the background you could see Jack and the Irish team celebrating.

I think they flew from Belfast to Dublin that night having flown up that morning as it was seen as the safest passage back and forth. Seems like a lifetime ago

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That was on during the day midweek. Our whole primary school a few hundred boys were all watching it on a portable telly while sitting on the floor of the school hall.


Same as that, some pile on when we scored

23 years ago today on Wednesday November 22nd, 2000 I returned home from Tallaght at about 4:30pm and turned on Aertel to see the very upsetting and shocking news that the totally awesome Uaneen Fitzsimons had died in a car crash. Nobody else in my family had heard of her and I had no internet to express my shock and sadness so I sat there half watching Leeds United v Real Madrid that evening silently contemplating the unfairness and wrongness of life. It was in a very real sense the day the music died.

Today Uaneen is memorialised by the “Uaneen rule”.

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Today is 60 years since JFK was shot.

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Isn’t there a clip of Keane getting off the plane with a can in hand?

I think the fella who claimed Keane assaulted him in a team hotel (when Keane was assistant manager of Ireland) followed behind him!

I would go far as to say the best football night ever.

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This has a shout

Wednesday February 26th 1992
FA Cup Fifth Round Replays
Liverpool 3 Ipswich 2 (after extra-time)
Middlesbrough 2 Portsmouth 4
Southampton 3 Bolton 2 (after extra-time)
West Ham 2 Sunderland 3

That was my first time ever in Landsdowne road, myself and 3 mates from school took the day off and got the train up, that was some moment

JFK done in by LHO, CIA and FBI

It were the LFO and the KLF wot done it

A ridiculously sad event in Irish music history. She provided a soundtrack to my youth. I was devastated. There was nobody seemingly there to fill the void left in that genre of music broadcasting.

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4 years ago today.

One of the last great GAA ambushes.


I’d say it still sticks in Ballygunnar’s craw. I had 40 on Borris at 9/2 the same day