On this day

Thirty years ago John Lennon was murdered by Mark Chapman outside the Dakota building on New York’s Uppet Westside

Imagine the most over rated song in the world.

I was imagining Imagine.

I would agree with that Clarkey Cat. But he wrote plenty of classics too, instant karma, jealous guy, give peace a chance and so on.

[quote=“Fagan O, post: 543576”]

Nice thread idea. Was going to do it the other night to reference the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbour. The thread has the potential to be interesting enough so I’ll move out of it until I actually have something to contribute.

Thanks for getting the idea Bandage.

On RTE Radio in the old days they used to have an On This Day before the 8 o clock news

Odd that you wouldn’t mention any of the Beatles songs in that list. Strawberry Fields Forever, A Day In The Life, All You Need Is Love, Across The Universe, Don’t Let Me Down, Hide Your Love Away, She Said She Said, Tomorrow Never Knows, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Sexy Sadie (my personal favourite). And that’s just off the top of my head. So many classics. Don’t think his solo stuff ever came close to it, with the exception of Jealous Guy, which is a superb song. Maybe Gimme Some Truth too.

Funny thing braz. I was watching him singing Jealous Guy on BBC 4. He butchered it. Bryan Ferry gave it the treatment it deserved.

I was deliberately focussing on the solo stuff.

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Jealous Guy is a superb bit of music. Not a big fan of him or the Beatles, but that was class.

I also quite enjoyed #9 Dream and Working class hero tho he was reared far from working class.

He was a contradiction on so many levels, aren’t we all i suppose, but an inspiration non the less.

Will Catcher in the Rye ever inspire an assasination again I wonder? I took it with me when I thrashed Noel Treacy’s constituency office last night as a symbolic gesture.

SS, are you one of these people who can’t leave a bookshop without buying a copy of Sallinger’s masterpiece?

On this day 50 years ago Coronation St was broadcast for the first time.

On the day in 1989 the following banner was raised at Old Trafford

‘3 years of excuses and its still crap. Ta ra Fergie!’

Great drama on bbc4 there about the launch of Corrie in 1960. Had a seriously well kitted put bird playing Pat Phoenix.

December 9th 1973 - Sunningdale Agreement signed by Liam Cosgrove and Ted Heath.

That went well.

December 10th 1965 – The Grateful Dead’s first concert performance under this new name.

February 14th, 1981


Feb 15th, 2005 - YouTube goes online

February 15th, 1995 - oh the memories :lol:


Next Sunday 20 February will be the 25th anniversary of legalisation of the sale of condoms without prescription in Ireland.

For a while afterwards the only place you could buy condoms was the Virgin Megastore on the Quays ( Virgin had been selling them pre legalization and had been prosecuted. ). That gave rise to the gag about the fellow who kept going into Virgin and coming out with a packet of condoms because he was too embarrassed to ask for the Daniel O Donnell record