On this day

Only a cunt leaves his own club.

Ali “shook up the world” 46 years ago and knocked out heavyweight champion George Foreman in Zaire.


Rumble in the jungle

Genius follows its own destiny

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Is that why there’s a statue in Cloyne of him?



Love it

He said in an interview about where the magic etc came from and another legend was mentioned , like him I had the music, Irish dancing, nationalist outlook, republican family background, small village,
Interviewer says “ yes but Christy how do you differ greatly from him and other great hurlers?”Ringy didn’t miss a beat /
I’d something else also “ I was a genius”
Much to the annoyance of many but all true, he devoloped skills unknown by most at that time , played at the highest level until 46/47 years of age, didn’t suffer fools gladly ref hurling, and literally ate and drank hurling, played squash,golf etc always competive, trained in the Glen boxing club winter time, when all other hurlers were off season and taking it easy,
Ringy went to work with a hurl and practiced before, during and after work , was small but ferocious fit , like all legends he was a natural but he put in the work to become and maintain that status


He turned his back on his own

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There was a 20 page pull out in yesterday’s Examiner on Ring. I got it for my aul lad. After reading it I have come to the conclusion that Christy was a bit of a cunt.


No one ever said he was a lovely fella or a gentle soul . He was a fairly blunt Man and was “ able to look after himself “ on the field .

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When talking he used to refer to himself in the third person. Never a good sign.

BinkyBarnes would never do something like that


Would that not be the 4th person?


On this day 2019 @caulifloweredneanderthal confirmed to the world that tfk has more scoops than a bus full of Inistioge FFers on a day long Yahoo to Dàil Eireann.


Ha! I put my e-reputation on the line but I delivered

On this day 5 years ago, also a Friday the 13th, the Bataclan attack in Paris.

On this day 222 years ago, the only sound protestant who ever lived took his own life in a squalid jail cell in Stoneybatter


What about @Locke?