On this day

They were indeed.

On this day in 2005, one of the brightest lights in blues rock music was fading out. Chris Whitley was on his deathbed and eventually succumbed to lung cancer on Nov 20 2005. A truly gifted musician, I have yet to see his equal in the 11 years since his passing.

Poison Girl

Living with the Law

30 years and 6 days ago Licensed to Ill was released.

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The gang that shot them came from the Sheriff St area (they were members of O’Tooles). They crossed the river by boat at the site of what is now Samuel Beckett Bridge and made their way up to Mount Street to commit the terrible deed.

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There’s an impressive commemoration to them in O’Tooles clubhouse.

I’ve seen o Toole’s lads doing much worse in Junior Hurling matches in St Anne’s park.


16 years ago today, the wonderful Uaneen Fitzsimons died and quality popular and alternative music broadcasting on Irish television effectively ended forever.

No Uaneen, no disco, no party.

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@mickee321 you have a few posts above about the Balkan conflicts. Can you recommend an accessible book on the topic(s)? I’m ashamed to say I remember very little of what went on and i’d like to educate myself.

Read this, it’s a tremendous book.



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I never knew that.

one of the best i ever read

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Freddie Mercury died 25 years ago - 24 November 1991

On this day 6 years hence, the World Cup final takes place in Cutter*, as the Yanks call it.

*Or if Cutter is engulfed by a wider regional war, it may yet take place five months earlier, in a different country, or may not take place at all.

Think you’ve covered all the angles there chief

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20 years since Di Canio wore the golden boots. What a player!



In 1986 the great Phil Lynott passed away aged 36.

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The Night of the Big Wind took place in 1839

If would later be used when pensions introduced in 1909 as a qualifier question


A day late on this, 6th January, 1975, Brian Clough took over at Nottingham Forrest.


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