Opinion: Tj Reid

No offense to Ritchie but that free was a disgrace. How are you supposed to shoulder a lad thatā€™s 5ā€™ 7", go down on your knees ? Was never a free.

Twas still stupid to give away, he was going nowhere


It was like watching a child looking for the lifeguard

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I doubt if Billy Drennan would go into a dark room on his own.

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TJ wasnā€™t too far off that at the same age.

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And he over carried.

Just because heā€™s small doesnā€™t mean you can shoulder him in the head, itā€™s not as if Hogan ducked into it or anything, Ryan initiated the contact and he really didnā€™t have to.

It was an absolutely ridiculous thing to do, Richie had nowhere to go. All Ryan had to do was stand him up, just wait for Richie to play it, do anything but exactly what he did.


Richie learned that trick from Cathal Barrett.

Diarmuid Ryan deserves a segment on OTB after this.

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Richie sold him a pup. And he bought it hook line and sinker. As you said absolutely no need to check his run.

You have to foul a fella these days becuase no ref is blowing for steps. Shane Odonnell took at least 15 at various stages

While that is true and very frustrating for any player trying to defend across the board; in the Hogan Ryan scenario, Hogan had already caught the ball twice, he didnā€™t have the ball in hand when he got fouled. Ryan had actually done his job, he just had to be patient and would have won the turnover.

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It was a silly foul. It was very prevalent across both games last weekend.

The Linerickā€™s claiming lads are taking too many steps :joy:

The Limerickā€™s takeā€¦.

  • the knee
  • the piss completely out of the handpass
  • take hold of opponents hurleyā€™s in the tackle to further con referees

Gas cheating cuntsā€¦.

Itcwas very obvious when Little Richie came on, that despite his legs being totally gone, his speed of wrist and speed of thought were way ahead of his younger contemporaries.

He would love to mention a Tipperary team and canā€™t as there is none. It banes him to mention Limerick which he will not do as he just does not have the gumption.



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The Tipperary team of that era are very comparable seeing as they went toe to toe with Kilkenny loads of times and actually beat them handy enough in a few All Ireland Finals.

Kilkenny and Tipp effectively ā€˜crackedā€™ hurling in terms of skill level for the first time in that period and we are now slowly heading back towards mediocrity.

Someone said hurling is miles ahead now of where it was 20 years ago today and thats true (Cork 2003-2006 were a load of mullockers really), but its also way behind where it was in the 2009-2017 period and only seems to be going in the wrong direction.

I was absolutely delighted Conor Fogarty got that block in the other day. If that goal had gone in where Clare ran up the field throwing the ball around 5 times and each man taking 8 steps it would have been RIP Hurling. On the flip side, it was a pity Duggans shot didnā€™t go in as it was an instinctive piece of skill that people go to games to see. Also it was great to see TJ Reid cut over a lineball something thatā€™s going out of the game too thanks to the Limerickā€™s dumbing the whole thing down as a spectacle to a DOD 5 yard pull to WOD, who throws it back to him and its game on.


No amount of flowery waffle can alter the fact that the Tipp team of that era arenā€™t in the top half of the teams of the millennium.


ā€˜Top halfā€™ - what the hell is that supposed to be about? :grinning:

The Limerickā€™s biggest problem is ye actually donā€™t realise Hurling was invented before 2018 so ye have no concept of standards prior to then.

Anyway we should be appreciating the brilliance of TJ Reid on this thread. That was some exhibition of free taking the other day and the line ball was a beauty. His legs donā€™t work like they used to before but his hurling brain is as good as youā€™d see.


Hurling didnā€™t stop in 2018 either. You seem to be stuck in some form of chronological carvery mash in heuston station, circa September 2016