Oscar Pistorius Trial

Couldn’t see a trial thread so I took the initiative and fired this up.

No evidence to be discussed here except evidence given under oath.

Witness today referred to hearing a woman scream and without knowing why or being able to explain why “knew a woman’s life was in danger.”

Non Irish murders thread is the one you are looking for.


The missus is on maternity leave and is glued to this everyday… I watched some of it this evening. FFS… he’s a whinging little cunt. “ma lady”.

They are mad for this. Politeness and respect are very big in South Africa(in the rich white community). Sir and Ma’am is par for the course.


Presume this is merely how one addresses a female judge.

the prosecutor mugged this fucker off, mugged him off good and proper, reduced the clown to a crying mess

+1 he comes across as a right pain in the hole.

Agree but he could have held his dignity whilst doing so.

5 years in prison

Out in 2 :clap:

I presume they give him back his guns when he gets out


His legal team say he will be out and under house arrest in about 10 months. Which begs the question, where do they put the ankle bracelet?

Jesus MBB that’s a bad effort, even by your standards

He should rebrand himself as the Notorious Pistorius and come back as a rapper or something


Chaps, I had an incident this morning that made me think Pistorius might be innocent. Even though I live with men, I sometimes overnight in the good lady’s place and last night was such a night. Anyway, my alarm went off this morning when it was still dark - I’m a businessman and I get up very early - so I rolled out of my side of the bed, walked around the front of the bed and out of the bedroom door at the far side of the room. I noticed that the bathroom light was on as I approached and thought to myself that one of us must have left it on overnight. The door was slightly ajar and I pushed it open to find the good lady standing in the bathroom brushing her teeth. I presumed she was still in the bed when I got up and didn’t know she was already in the bathroom at all. I got the fright of my life and I was just about to (attempt to) punch the head off the “intruder” when I realised it was her. It certainly made me rethink my stance on Pistorius and I’d willingly sign a petition demanding his release. I feel this is a cool story (bro) so I’d appreciate any positive post ratings.

“… realised it was she.”