OTB (Off The Ball)

I heard the wrap up before 6, he was still rattled from it

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Jarlath Burns having a cut off the GPA now. Saying they are as much to blame for the Super 8 getting in.

He fairly socked it onto them.

He described the shoddy manner the GPA dealt with this as a player welfare issue

The GPA are cunts, Jarlath Burns is a cunt. They’re just cunts of a different color. That Burns is a despicable cunt. Dermot Earley and that Hickey bastard are just wicked cunts.


Wasn’t Burns involved in the early stages of the GPA or tried to set up a players association around the same time? He certainly has no love them.

Anthony Moyles just said “the league takes too long”.

It’s 7 matches in 9 weeks with the final the week after the final round.

What the fuck is he talking about?

He was I think.

Arrogance of GPA is unreal. Earley said there that ‘his players’ were never consulted. He acknowledged that the clubs were consulted but didn’t seem to realise that ‘his players’ were club players first and foremost and could have raised objections through that forum if they wished. Of course the reality is they don’t think they are club men. They are county men.

You hear 20 times more out of the GPA than you do out of IRUPA who represent professional players with actual proper work related issues.

All these lads are making this too easy for GAA. Incoherent arguments. An unwillingness to engage in the formal process that is there etc.

The starting point here is just sucking it up and realising that to make any change you need to follow the GAA procedures. Otherwise your dead before you start

Fucking hell.



Burns was involved in the GAA’s “official” players group, the Players’ Advisory Group (PAG), circa 2000/2001.

They made a big play of a link up with Murray Consultants at one stage, but were a short lived group, probably due to the fact that they weren’t actually a proper players’ association.

I expect another full page exclusive pushed by the GPA shortly about Niall McNamees continuing fight against his gambling hell

Is he off the wagon?

Ah no, but he has an article yearly telling us how he’s still fighting the fight and how the GPA are assisting that fight. There’ll be a seminar as well and Coaching education for other players.

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The argument that this is bad for clubs or players simply doesn’t stack up.

If it does they certainly haven’t articulated it

Moyles makes a good point about county managers having too much say over county players.

I wouldn’t agree with this.

County is the highest level of football so managers should have full access to players. Clubs should be proud to have their players represent their county.

The issues really is the overlapping of competitions and managers of various teams trying to drag out of players, this is caused by a chaotic fixture list.

What happens in Derry with regard county players in madness.

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The reality is that if you want to have any chance of winning an All-Ireland, in football at any rate, a county player isn’t going to play for their club from January until the time they’re out of the inter-county championship. It’s pretty much the case as it is.

People would be best off realising this and accepting it, and let clubs get on with things without their county players from January until the time the county’s season ends, when the county players can rejoin their club teams.


This is the most sensible post @Sidney has made in about a year. Fair play sid.