OTB (Off The Ball)

The Saturday morning show is very good depending on the guest, they’ll go through his or her ‘sporting life’, usually a few amusing anecdotes about underage mediocrity, if @Bandage was a celebrity he’d bring the house down.
This week it’s George Mitchell, perhaps he was a star defensive end in college or maybe he struck out 100 times in a row at stickball

He was the architect of the Good Friday agreement you gowl.


Nope I’ve never bothered albeit in recent weeks I’m listening to a lot more podcasts. I buy the Irish Times every day so I get my dose I suppose from thier articles. I think it’s a very good show. Early is brilliant and offers a unique view on most sports.

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Finding the balance between riding the supporters’ backing and goodwill with trying to avoid too much HYPE.

Hype is the nemesis of every GGA squad.

Horan’s also into the psychology side of things. Probably wanted to send a message that this wasn’t worth celebrating and they had more business to attend to in weeks to come. Himself and Kieran Shannon had Jimmy McGuinness and Rory Gallagher driven demented a few years back.

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Laois will buck this trend this weekend no doubt, hardly a word being said since our run of the mill win on Sunday.

I heard an ad for that second captain’s thing with George Mitchell on the radio this morning but thought I misheard. Didn’t realise they had a regular show on that.

The Penguin ?

That’s what I thought.

Listened to that this evening on the way down to Cork - they’re an interesting crew


Mayo should be made play games without their scummy fans being present.

A more disgusting badly bred shower I’ve never encountered.

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Catch you later for a pint bud.

That’s a great listen

I can come back into town after the mass or do you want to meet out in Inchedoney? I’ll be the roaster at the bar with the tie around his head roaring that the Dubs will walk all over ye Cark cunts (from about 2.30)

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Very good.

Jim mightn’t be happy with Devenney. He looked a bit sheepish after ! :grimacing:

They seemed like decent three fellas. The story about the night out in Dublin was brilliant.

To be honest Harry, I think it all stems from their low self esteem, they over compensate while trying to hide it.

Anthony Moyles doing his piece in his Maserati. :grin:

Was listening to OTB just before the Newcastle match yesterday and they had David Meyler on. He was asked what St James was like to play on and he said there was a massive slope on the pitch. Molloy thought it funny that this was allowed and should be an easy fix. Meyler said Newcastle was hilly and it would cost a fortune to get the whole ground level. It was fucking hilarious. Well worth a listen.

doesn’t sound hillarious