OTB (Off The Ball)


Presume TFK members who are regulars in The Inn might know her.

Ah fuck it - Hot and a Ratoath woman :heart_eyes:


Gwan Ash. Living it up in Rome last week.

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I love a hoopy earring

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Oh, oh … Is Ais guilty of wearing the same pants here in this pic and in the opening podcast show? tut, tut

Morto for her

Pure morts

Is donaghys trip to Dubai off over stacks game?:grin:

Unlucky Shtar

As someone who recently purchased two pairs of the same make of tracksuit pants, I dare say she might own more than one leather trousers.


And what harm if she has just the one pair? It’s the likes of @anon61878697 with his fast fashion and rampant consumerism that are destroying the planet (cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy)


I wear the same pair of O’Neils shorts all year round

What was the trip to Dubai for

I bought two pairs of tracksuit pants on the INTERNET recently. They’re quite tight and the outline of my quads are visible through them. Is this correct or do I need to upsize?

the trip was cancelled before I think

I watched that earlier and enjoyed it. Breen and Cunningham spoke a lot of sense.

Gilroy and Damien Delaney are spoofers


Agreed. Delaney is a well known prick. Gilroy is insufferable and always has an agenda.

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