OTB (Off The Ball)

Good to see the trauma of it all hasn’t put Ger off his grub.


You know nothing

The dadcast broke some boundaries


I can and never will warm to Gilroy. Joe molloy is ok. There’s a good interview on Laois today podcast where wooly goes through his falling out with OTB but Joe and Gilroy were always going to be in command anyway.
He detests GG.

Laois today podcast



Lockdown has been tough. Better listening to that than normal radio cunts.

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Someone sum up the gist of that article please. Would I be right in saying the second captains lads started off on off the ball but broke away over creative/money differences but gilroy maybe stayed loyal to off the ball? Have the second captains lads been a success? I never hear of them much now.

more or less

they are very successful- good decision to ditch otb

Doing very well for themselves I believe. Over 12,000 patrons at a fiver a month.

Not a second captains subscriber but it seems to be all about obscure sporting stories like Yogoslavian league 1970-1985 or stuff like that.

Am I right/wrong on this?



The Second Captain guys are weirdos.

Gilroy is a cunt.

Joe Molloy - best sports broadcaster in the country? Lolzers.

Murf is the brains of the operation


They’re complete weirdos.


It’s okay to hang on Brian Carthy’s every word if it makes you feel safe


I thought it was a good interview. Gilroy and OTB have completely changed sports broadcasting in Ireland for the better, just listen to Sunday Sport on RTE to get a flashback to how boringly bad most of the coverage is and was


Two different things really - Sunday sport and Saturday Sport are largely shows with their own live output broadcasting sport . A small bit of talk etc …

The OTB / Newstalk is largely a talk show on sport . At say 3 o clock on a Saturday they could have a panel discussing the structures in the FAI . Also during the week they have 5 x 3 hour slots to fill

Yes, I’ll agree with that.

Gil Roy is clearly a cunt, I don’t mind the second captains guys except the annoying one from Mayo (Is it Murphy?)

It may have happened anyway but he created something really good in OTB, I still listen in to a bit most nights and it can be very good