OTB (Off The Ball)

You must be the dumbest mother fucker on the planet. It’s there in front of you - where did i say Gary couldn’t have an opinion? Huh? Take your time now and read it again really, really, really slowly

Who are my crowd?

And the tweet was deleted 6 months ago and you frothing at the mouth wanting an apology. You bleeding heart lefties are very quick to anger

Take your time and read the question I asked 'did you want him to lose his freelance job for having an opinion?

I never alleged that you said he couldn’t have one.

I’m slow to respond because m unsure if you’re actually taking the piss anymore, I assumed it was an act.

My point was clear, she should have been prepared for that question, she’s had six months, she came across as petulant,
Stand by it or explain it, that’s all,

Will Spar be offering refunds to people who bought stuff during the last 6 months when Kellie was still with them despite holding unacceptable views?

With a bit of luck, I had a hot chicken baguette there the other day that I was happy to offload later that day.

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Kellie would fit in well here though. Refusing to answer questions and that.

Best thing she could do this morning is go on Pat Kenny show and properly explain herself.

Tell it like it is. Explain her reaction before tweet and her childish response yesterday.

Be case closed then.

I believe its going to happen on The 2 Johnnies.

Might not be the best venue to put it all to bed.

First off, sorry to see you cave and back responding to me. You were doing so well ignoring me these last couple of months but like others, that need to get up on a soap box is so strong you just cant resist it… you can dust yourself off and go again i suppose.

As for your big gotcha moment… Lolz… In your hurry to scuttle back did you see where a few posts up i asked what he tweeted and then asked did he call his bosses Nazis?

Gary can express any opinion he likes, i never said he couldn’t unless you can go back to the search machine and find it? I’ll give you an hour , have a good root around.

Fuck Pat Kenny. He would slaughter her and patronise her in equal measure


He wouldn’t.

It’s clear as day she retweeted something based on emotion & ignorance.
Perhaps she’s not the sharpest tool in the box that way.

For her own monetary value it seems essential now to do an interview, that scripted press release last night won’t appease anyone. In fact, it probably has a negative effect in her fight to quench the fire.

That’s a very wordy way of saying “Some of my friends are black”.

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But he didn’t call his bosses Nazis, he compared government policy to the policy of 1930s Germany. He didnt work for government. He is a contractor for a state broadcasting agency.

And you wanted him sacked for it.

When you were working for Mary I did you refuse to criticise Catholic Church policy for fear of losing your job?

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An interview might be a good move for her but not with Pat.

Pat is a cunt who doesn’t like working class people. If it was a D4 rugby player who had gotten themselves in this mess then Pat would be an ideal choice.

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At the start of that interview she talked about not wanting to go pro. After the end of it, with sponsors turning tail, she might have to.

Its all a bit sad really, social media is a shocking thing. Some people simply aren’t able for it.

Hello Croppy.

I’d ask you to read the post again.



The Internet is serious bidness, it never forgets

All this is missing is a Mary I letter head :grinning:

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