OTB (Off The Ball)

She made a complete balls of that. If she privately apologised 6 months ago and was sorry over it, why not just say that? I apologised to people it may have affected, deleted it and moved on. But she didnt, she made a big deal of not answering it and stating she wasnt into politics. The written apology is what everyone knows it is, her PR group trying to correct a fuck up.

You’ll have loads saying how disappointed they are and how shes a role model etc. This will turn quite soon and you’ll have even more saying how down to earth she is, a proper inner city community person who isnt racist but shes dead right to speak out about immigrants. It’ll move on to someone else fairly soon once the twitter war ends between two sets of fuckwits arguing over stupid cliches and jargon name calling of each other. She might get a token COTY nomination, and someone will put her in the alright sort of the year just for balance.


There’s a mute button out there if you can’t handle it. Ask Glas how it works.

Generally if somebody utters an uncontroversial view, such as “Unlucky tonight Ireland, well played, let’s look forward to the next game with optimism”, they aren’t going to be questioned very much about it.

But Gary Lineker is somebody who has mainly uncontroversial views. His politics can largely be summed up as follows: “Let’s try to behave decently towards the poor and refugees.” Sentiments that one would think would be entirely uncontroversial, but they’ve marked him out as a hate figure among the British right wing.

When Lineker made his comment comparing the UK Government’s rhetoric on refugees to the language used in 1930s Germany, he was able to stand over it, because it was a well judged, ACCURATE tweet, not made lightly, but with actual historical knowledge and knowledge of how hate speech ramps up and up and up. The backlash against Lineker was because he had told the truth and could stand over what he said.

Kellie Harrington could not stand over what she tweeted. And you think that’s not worthy of questioning?

I think if Kellie Harrington offered a sincere apology with context and a clear demonstration she understands what the problem with her tweet is, most people would be perfectly willing to accept that and move on.

Context like “I didn’t know that the sources of my tweet were a Dutch far right propagandist and a British far right propaganda channel, and I accept that these people routinely put out lying propaganda which is designed to dehumanise and mark out groups of people as targets of hate based on skin colour or ethnicity, and this is a very bad and not nice thing to do.”

People are generally reasonable, especially when it comes to somebody who has previously had an immense amount of public goodwill like Kellie Harrington has. Reasonable people also don’t like being bullshitted.

Corporate PR departments are corporate PR departments. If Spar choose to end their relationship with Kellie Harrington, you can always choose to protest their decision under the tree at Spar headquarters.


It’s the likes of @backinatracksuit , @carryharry and @mikehunt that would really sicken you…demanding she answer and frothing at the mouth for an apology. Her comments were misplaced but the anger of the mob is something to behold. It’s true for you , the left are reduced to fascism.



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You must be tired from all the brown nosing pal? It’s relentless. Do you think you’ll ever have the gumption to stand on your own efeet some day?

Poor Tom

I like your shoes bro.

Do you ever get tired of the echo chamber? The same screaming queens miming the same song every day? You must be weary of it?

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Having just looked back through Kellie Harrington’s Twitter “likes”, I’m guessing there was a serious spring cleaning done on them at some point today.

Disagree. Journalism should be about holding people to account. He had every right to ask her the question. She’s an Irish icon, and therefore has significant power in Irish society. With great power comes great responsibility etc etc etc


Imagine the fucking wailing out of Tommy the mouse if it had been Hugo keenan or Gary ringrose had tweeted that, and OTB had refused to ask him about it

Motheragawd he’d have been apoplectic

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All in all she’s handled that really badly and while it may have been cuntish to drag it up, it is relevant in the society we’re currently in and her role as an ‘ambassador’.

Like the cork Walker fella, she’s learned a very harsh lesson.

Irish Twitter is a nawful place

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You’ve actually gone completely mental
What I suggested is exactly what she’s gone and done, she deleted the tweet, obviously has a PR representation, she should have been prepared, dealt with it quickly in the interview (as she did with the statement) and moved on, you can’t just try to bully a no name interviewer, how would she have coped with Pat Kenny?
I thought your crowd loved questions?


Only some questions, and from some people. And you have the right to free speech to say what you want, but the right to free speech doesn’t extend to asking people about their comments.

It’s simple fella if you tried to understand

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Did you want him to lose his job for having an opinion?



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He didnt want him to lose his job, he wanted Lineker stacked, pile him up high with Wright and Shearer

