OTB (Off The Ball)

It’ll probably be in his Gript column


The question about why she’s only being asked about it now has been asked a few times on here. It suggests that the people who are just asking questions don’t want certain questions posed.

I find it odd. I do think she should back it up, just wondering where the outrage was all along.

I read her response to it there this morning.
While I do understand she may have been caught off guard last night, she was on that interview going back and forth long enough for her to have gathered her thoughts and given an answer similar to the one she put out late last night.
It was just a bit of a car crash for her when she was expecting a soft line of questions.

The outrage now is coming from how she handled the question when asked imo. Had she attempted to explain it, and wave it off as an ill judged and ill informed opinion to tweet, she might be getting some hop. But her manner let her down badly. Now, that may be a result of her lack of media savvy/polish, call it what you like, but when you’re putting yourself forward in the media as a brand ambassador, you really do need to be able to stand over things you’ve said or done.

Its unfortunate, but again, Irish twitter is a nawful place.

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Twas car crash alright.

Maybe it was their first opportunity to ask her about it. Not sure it matters how long ago it was anyway. Eric Clapton had similar beliefs on immigrants in the 70s and it’s still being brought up.

His missus is an immigrant, so he can’t say anything.

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This fella is insufferable


If you want to have an opinion you should be prepared to back it up.

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Spot on.

I couldn’t give a shite what she thinks tbh but her tone & attitude stunk of a new found superiority complex.


I don’t even know who’s side to come down on here. The off the ball guys are wankers and Parkinson is a complete wanker.


Both off the ball and parkinson are getting a heap of clicks out of it mate. Thats the really important thing. And @glasagusban is nearly ready for a power up from his virtue-ometer.

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Colm Parkinson hates being asked questions

Colm Parkinson hates free speech


We’re still mates on here though right?


Ewan should interview Parkinson or the other way around.


Thats a weird google history you’ve got there I’m gonna say

He’s a one armed waiter