OTB (Off The Ball)

They could team up for a new podcast.

Maybe call it “Safe Space”.

Or “Old Men Yelling At Clouds”.

Tales from Motorway Land

That’s lovely.

I’d have a good deal more sympathy for Harrington (gobshite that she made of herself) than I would for Parkinson. Harrington is a not very bright amateur boxer who has fallen victim to the same sort of online propaganda that lots of other low information people fall victim to.

Parkinson on the other hand is a real nasty cunt and a consistent and active peddler of far right hatred and knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s also doing it to make €€€€€€€.


That’s you attributing characteristics that you have simply no idea if true. She didn’t dance the way you wanted her to so now she’s fair game to rip apart :person_shrugging:t2:

He’s appealing to lads getting grants for shovelling shit from bog A to bog B and probably wouldn’t meet a foreigner from one end of the week to the other. It will have ZERO impact on his life.

I’d imagine they’d probably call it something like one of the following:
“You Can’t Say That”
“They Put You In Prison Now If You’re A White Irishman And Say This Stuff”
“Common Sense” ("On this episode of “Common Sense we talk about how it’s obvious the moon is made out of Swiss Roll”)
“Think For Yourself”
“Just Asking Questions” (but never answering any)

That’s twice you’ve claimed i was clamped without a simple ounce of evidence. :person_shrugging:t2:

I’ve lads who desperately want to ignore me banging on the keyboard all last night and this morning… Their superiority complex just won’t let them not respond :smiley:

This place is so easy … and the screaming Mulallys are so simple. Anything that upsets the echo chamber sends the usual suspects into a spin.

She’s an amateur boxer who grew up in a rough part of town and didn’t go to 3rd level education. She didn’t handle that interview very well but lads would want to calm down. Fucking mountain out of a molehill doesn’t even begin to describe this.


You’re one of the few guys I’ll miss :heart:

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Is he? I only know him to be a cunt. I didnt know he was a far right cunt. What stuff would he be peddling.

You were righly clamped. Learn from it and move on.

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By whom? And when?

Going to 3rd level or not has nothing to do with it.

Ypu were hit so hard you’re still spinning and think you’re surrounded.

I think we need a clamping reviews panel

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As i thought… You’ve got nothing but ive upset your echo chamber so it’s important you try bring me down a peg. We all know how much of a coward you are so you’re maybe not the best man for the job here. Toddle along to the ignore function.

Shane Hannon fairly schooled Kellie Harrington there, that interview was senior hurling not like the Junior B stuff she was used to on the likes of the late late show.


He’s blocked me so I’d have to log in to one of my 28 duplicate accounts to see but I can’t be arsed doing that.

He tweets and retweets all the same shite Eoin Murphy does. Basically the same sort of shite Jamie Bryson and English far right head the balls tweet and retweet.

Well it does and it doesn’t.