OTB (Off The Ball)


Did she not put some comment on the retweet about 'Irish govt take note of foreigners committing crimes?

The far right is attempting to build support worldwide by “flooding the zone with bullshit”. They are open about this strategy.

This consists of endless lying, endless shouting, framing their endless lies in a media savvy way so that lies and hate speech are packaged as fake “common sense”.

Slogans, slogans, slogans.

And by drowning online comment sections with trolls, both paid and unpaid. Every far right head the ball in Ireland is online spreading this shite like the online equivalent of Mormons calling to your door. Twitter, Facebook, Boards.ie, Politics.ie, all are drowned in an ocean of far right comments.

It’s easy for them to drown online spaces in bullshit because i) they can’t be shamed, their brand is hatred and ii) they have access to very deep pockets, and traditional media outlets which are in on the anti-woke cult will provide endless “talking points”. The online anti-woke cult is backed by the worst and richest people in the world.

Timmy D has entered the conversation

Have you listened to the entire interview?

Explaining etc etc :grinning:

Every Irish journo on twitter is defending the interviewer. It’s annoying me. You’d swear he was after breaking the Watergate story or something.


Stop asking questions


Woke left


That’s the headbanger left for you. A circle jerk

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He’s getting an awful lot of abuse from the usual suspects as well

Last week the just asking questions lads were telling us that proper journalism was about asking uncomfortable questions.

This week the just asking questions lads are telling us that proper journalism is about never asking a question at all.

It’s hard to know what’s what any more.




The roaster who dropped her up a grand bag of spuds must feel very deflated this morning

Surprised he hasn’t been interviewed for his thoughts

It was Eoin Murphy’s oul’ fella, so probably not.

People have very little to worry about. Harrington is dealing with a new found level of fame. She has a profile now where she shouldn’t really be in charge of her own social media. She made a clumsy tweet , regretted it but the mob senses blood and will round on her.

She’s a young woman who’s not been trained or prepared for the media and was a bit naive.

Any young person starting out now should hand over social media to a PR person as having an opinion or reacting in real time to a news story will not always be the way you’d do it with a bit more time or experience.

The OTB lads set her up there and it was an ambush. That’ll be remembered too.


Kellie Harrington has very little to worry about. That’s probably what led her into retweeting a Dutch far right propagandist and an English fascist propaganda channel.

If you don’t want to embarrass yourself, don’t retweet stuff where you’re going to be embarrassed when you get asked a simple question about it.