OTB (Off The Ball)

Not quite. Kicked a fella in the head who was already on the ground it seems.

Bloody hell.

“An offer of compensation of ?500 has been made, not in seeking to buy his way out of anything but by way of an apology.”

Mr Quinn said that his client was 26-years-old, held a finance degree, and was a star GAA player. He came from an upstanding family and had a very good reputation.

Reminds me a bit of this:


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Never knew anything about this. I’m shocked!! How did OTB even give him a job??

He needs to go

He is a quintessential mammy’s boy from a comfortable area of the town, someone who was indulged by his parents to the extent he turned out so entitled. A gobshite and a shitstirrer. His own club did not want him. He is detested by nearly everyone who knows him any way well.


:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

When you are detested by your own club it says a lot about you.

Only two people come to mind who are really hated by their clubs. Davy Fitz and Colm Parkinson.

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On guys it feels like a few guys here are taking you seriously, the funs over

Parky can’t be cancelled because his brand is being a cunt, because he hides in his safe space where he can’t be challenged, and because he mainly makes his money from reactionary middle aged men yelling at clouds.

But he’ll have to hope that being a Portlaoise equivalent of Lozza Fox continues to be popular. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t.


Ask someone from Sixmilebridge about ‘Davy and the sliotars’. Ask someone from Clare about an unpaid printer’s bill in Ennistymon or the builder who went taking back out the kitchen he had installed in DF’s new house because he could not get paid.

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From the moment he first appeared on OTB I’ve always thought Parky was two ends of a cunt, the most annoying radio presence I’ve ever experienced

And now I find out that he was charged with assaulting somebody who was already on the ground, Jesus :man_shrugging:

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this is a terrible reflection on @Juhniallio as a poster

even bland @Fran would have gotten more traction


Surprised he didn’t miss.


Ooooft. That’s a fucking kick in the head right there…

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Fair play to DJ for maintaining his base…


I was aware alright that he had some problem with the law.
Hard to believe he assaulted somebody on the ground and it’s just been airbrushed

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I think some lads here have taken their eyes Off The Ball.

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I’m more surprised that he was in a scrap. I’d have had him down as a mouthy type on a night out but didn’t think he’d have the “cojones” to go starting physical altercations. Although reading that media report it seems like he punched some fella who was already on the ground so he chanced it from a position of strength.

He beat up two separate lads on a night out?