OTB (Off The Ball)

The lads on here who call these protesters far right also call Varadkar far right and call Fine Gael fascists/blue shirts.

It becomes a meaningless phrase of abuse as it’s overused.

Run a word count on the number of times Nazi has been used on here in last 12 months. Godwin’s Law indeed.


I fully support the thought police, but we shouldn’t wait until fifteen year olds are thirty before we go after them.

I miss the alt-right, they were almost alright


If a 15 year old know enough to take drugs to block their puberty they know not to use derogatory terms about people with Down’s Syndrome.

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If it’s not right what’s left.

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Unpopular opinion 2:
Kellie Harrington is not the real problem here. She’s a canary in the coalmine.

The real problem is the absolute weapons grade far right propaganda that is being unleashed online and the way it spreads. It literally spreads like cancer. Doctors can’t stop cancer spreading from cell to cell to cell. Neither can this propaganda be stopped from spreading from social media account to social media account to social media account.

This is why democracies and liberal societies will end up being destroyed. Weapons grade far right propaganda. Everywhere you look on the internet there are far right demagogues radicalising people with their fake “certainty” and “charisma”. Everywhere you look there are lying far right memes. Everywhere you look there are divide and rule tactics. Everywhere you look there are fake shocking “statistics” which are almost always completely made up. Everywhere you look in comment sections there are far right bots and trolls flooding the zone with bullshit. And it isn’t just social media, the far right control what gets discussed in traditional media in the US and UK and increasingly here too.

Look at Russia and see how stupefied and intimidated into submission the people are there. That is the goal of the far right and much of the “respectable” right, to make countries like Russia.

If you ask a legitimate question, people make online threats of violence against you, and there were online threats of violence against Shane Hannon yesterday, merely because he asked a question that needed to be asked.

Nobody who doesn’t acknowledge this weapons grade far right propaganda as an existential threat to society is operating in good faith, because it’s so fucking obvious a reality. Those who deny it is a problem are mostly those who most understand that it is devastatingly effective, and support it. It would not exist if those who produced it did not know it was effective. It’s far, far easier to spread lies now than it was in the 1930s.

Kellie Harrington is not a victim here, she’s not a victim because people are discussing and objecting to what she wrote.

But in one way Kellie Harrington is in a victim - of the weapons grade far right propaganda that proliferates online like metastatic cancer.

:smiley::smiley: need I ask who?

Sure that goes both ways, there are way more posters on this site who are vocally anti-‘woke’ than the other way around,
The other side love to pretend they’re victims :man_shrugging:

The problem with social media is it takes away all context and nuance and encourages extremes.

There’s a view the reason it encourages extremes is advertising to extremists is easier as they’re quite predictable.

It’s easy work out who on here consumes the most Twitter. They behave entirely consistently with how they are expected to behave. They don’t even realise they are being radicalised.

Some of the excuses come out with by people defending Kellie Harrington’s tweet are mind bendingly stupid.

“It’s anti-working class”
Away and shite – if a rugby player had made these comments there would way less sympathy and they’d be highlighted just as much, maybe more.

“She’s being targeted because she’s a woman”
Oh fuck off and stop insulting people’s intelligence.

“It was an ambush”.
Asking a question is not an ambush. The Miami Showband massacre was an ambush. Kingsmills was an ambush.

“She’s entitled to an opinion”.
Kellie is entitled to an opinion. People aren’t entitled to hold opinions and never be challenged on them. People are entitled to put out any tweet they want, but they aren’t entitled to never be challenged on a tweet if it endorses the message of a far right propagandist."

“She’s being cancelled”.
She’s being challenged on her opinion, which was an endorsement of a Dutch fascist propagandist speaking on an English far right propaganda channel. She can’t stand over her opinion.

“It was five months ago.”
Yeha, well Damien English lied on his planning form 15 years ago.

“She apologised.”
Kellie didn’t apologise properly. It was a mealy mouthed PR job which did not address the issue – that she framed immigrants as a criminal group. That means she framed ALL immigrants as a criminal group. On the record. But there’s also an obvious, though unwritten implication, that it’s a particular type of immigrant that she considers “the problem”, given that her message has come from a Dutch far right propagandist. That “type” of immigrant does not include white people from English speaking countries or western Europeans, because in this ideology, they’re “civilised” immigrants. The implication is the problem is people from central and eastern Europe, and non-white people.

When you break it down it’s probably at least as serious a comment as, say Ron Atkinson shouting what he shouted about Marcel Desailly. Atkinson shouted off camera that Desailly was a “fucking, lazy, thick n word”, which demonstrated that he saw black people as inherently inferior. But at least he didn’t knowingly do it to millions of people and at least he didn’t frame black people as a criminal group. But he never properly apologised or showed an understanding of why what he said was wrong, and that was at least as bad as the actual comment he made. Kellie framed immigrants as a criminal problem, and knew she was doing so in public. That sort of rhetoric whips up hatred and turns immigrants into targets. She hasn’t apologised for doing that.

I’m sure there are a good few more there I’ve forgotten. But what always sticks on the mind out of the stories like this is the sheer stupidity of the arguments of people who decide to defend the indefensible. I also know this because years ago I was one of the fucking eejits who decided to use mind-bendingly stupid arguments to defend Luis Suarez on the basis that defending Liverpool’s honour, especially against Manchester United, was more important than calling out what he did, which was a racist comment. But even at that, what Suarez did wasn’t near as bad as what Kellie Harrington wrote because Harrington marked out immigrants as a criminal problem.

Your obsession with ‘the far right’ and culture wars in general has destroyed your life.


Far right propaganda destroys a lot of lives, none of them mine.

Also your whole persona here is based around a US culture and propaganda war. That’s the irony of those who complain about discussion of the right wing culture and propaganda wars. They are the most influenced by it.

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I’m just here to give out agriculture advice.


We’re extremely lucky to have you truth be told.

Could you talk to my oul lad and persuade him that soil testing, ph and lime are not dangerous superstition?


Oireland is a net importer of potatoes mate

good job

Do you have evidence for that claim?
There are less than 20 posters that routinely comment on political or geopolital matters on the site, so “way more posters who are vocally anti-woke” must mean at least 15 out of the 20.
List out the vocally woke and vocally anti-woke and see what you come up with.


If the cap fits :man_shrugging:

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So no answer. Isn’t that what you were accusing Kelli Harrington of?