OTB (Off The Ball)


Interesting piece in the Phoenix about how Denis O’Brien orchestrated their removal from Newstalk. Copy of the piece is on Broadsheet.ie.

OTBs criticisms of Trappatoni did not sit well with the nations power brokers Denis O Brien, Rocko and the likes

That occurred to me too.

The otb crew refused to dance on the string held by all the bigshots and much like kibman here, they have paid dearly for it

From tonight’s show its clear that the OTB nua are grooming Colm Parkinson as the replacement to Murph as the “GAA guy”

He has the ego anyway…

Got too big for their boots. Paid the price. McDevitt will salvage something out of it but the other guys are already forgotten.

You may very well be right and think I mentioned that I rate McDevitt as a very good presenter already on this thread. But if that does happen there could be seething resentment from the others, like one member of a boy band having solo success while the rest of them fall into obscurity.

Like when the rest of Boyzone were seething when Stephen Gately entered music immortality when he died leaving a legacy that will be cherished forever like Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison.

Indeed, these grand gestures of resigning are only sensible when you are in a position of overwhelming strength. McDevitt could do it but the other gophers are up a gumtree now.

Denis O’Brien killed off the ball. Jesus tonight’s show was pitiful.

Perhaps it was all part of McDevitts grand plan. He knew he’d gone as far as he could with the other gimps, he tricked them all into a unified resignation after instigating a battle he knew they couldn’t win. He’ll leave it a couple of months before grudgingly accepting a solo job somewhere else.

Ther show is far from dead. For all McDevitt’s skill as an interviewer and his future prospects being the best of the five he was in some ways the most replaceable. Parkinson as said above may well fill Murphy’s shoes especially now that he’ll have an MA in Journalism in a few months. Early with his stream of consciousness ramblings and obscure literary references will be by far the hardest to replace.

Parkinson was in full “try hard” mode tonight, different from when he’s been on as a panellist before. I’d say that he knows that this is his shot. He’s not the worst and has a reasonable turn of humour. Not afraid to get stuck into teams/personalities either which immediately elevates him above any RTE “shure aren’t the games great” shite.

Gilroy can anchor, as pointed out above they need to replace Early who did manage to fill over an hour of radio a night. Also need a rugby type to fill out the team.

Irritating and all as Gilroy the show seems to be just going on as normal. Sure they’ve all the contacts and the likes lined up it’s fairly seamless. The more you think about it the more ridiculous the whole quitting thing was. Those lads had a seriously cushy gig working with their mates and fucked it away. McDevitt likely the only one we’ll hear of again. No way RTE will take on all five of them.

Any idea what kind of dough they would have been getting?

Christ but Gilroy tolerated a load of shite tonight between Gerry Thornley and Bernard Jackman about how the Leinster Schools Cup was the ultimate feeder system for World rugby and how the French would love to copy it, because French men are fundamentally lazy, unlike Leinster schoolboys. McDevitt would never have listened to such shit. That was after 20 minutes of the most boring fucking interview ever with some MMA fighter.

This show is dead to me.

Euros I expect.

[quote=“Fagan ODowd, post: 745333, member: 706”]Christ but Gilroy tolerated a load of shite tonight between Gerry Thornley and Bernard Jackman about how the Leinster Schools Cup was the ultimate feeder system for World rugby and how the French would love to copy it, because French men are fundamentally lazy, unlike Leinster schoolboys. McDevitt would never have listened to such shit. That was after 20 minutes of the most boring fucking interview ever with some MMA fighter.

This show is dead to me.[/quote]

McDevitt could be very fawning with his regular guests too though