OTB (Off The Ball)

Pardon me. I’m getting him mixed up with Second Captains people.


The second captains lads are fairly likeable, Wooly is an annoying prick,


Fair mistake to make. They are two sides of the same coin. Both out there, pissing Gilroy off, doing great for themselves and respected universally in driving forward Irish sports reporting.

ITV i say, or whoever is covering the rubby now

Yeah he’s from Laois

Grow up you stook.

I wouldn’t judge somebody on where they’re from, I was thrilled when he quit OTB as it meant I wouldn’t have to listen to him anymore, he still pops up regularly on my twitter as an opinionated mouthpiece

Would be interested to know how much Bauer pushed this or if it was a Gilroy call.

Seemed like Gilroy and Molloy were not exactly on the same page when discussing it last night.

Everybody grieves differently mate.

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The image of Ger Gilroy pulling open his Kimono meant I skipped breakfast this morning. A bizarre and upsetting exchange.


Newstalk or more precisely their owners are also creaming off listeners texting in for 2 euro every day to enter that cash machine nonsense, an addictive form of gambling in itself.


That is as big a scam as is going in Ireland

Its closer to 3 actually 2.50 plus standard rate

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Ironically can’t read the full thing due to a paywall but there aim of 25% of current listeners subscribing when 10% is the typical industry standard seems a bit crazy.

I’d be more supportive if they told that poxy industry to fuck off.





Big difference is Golf Weekly subscribers know all the content covered will interest them, someone with a preference for GAA or Soccer mightn’t be too pleased subscribing for Sept and Oct when their coverage will be wall to wall rugby.