OTB (Off The Ball)

I prefer baulk.


Yea I think we will look back on the era of everything free on the internet with disbelief in a few years. Most of us grew up into adulthood spending 5 or 10 quid a week on newspapers or lashing out 15 quid regularly to buy a cd. Media organisations giving everything away free was totally unsustainable really. I wonder could they find a price point where paying by the podcast would make sense. The main fear I’d have for these yokes is paying the sub and never listening. Maybe if it was a euro a listen or the likes I’d tot up the ten in a month without noticing.

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Baulk cushion


Joe is easily the best of them. If this doesn’t work he has nothing to be worried about. Alot of the hangers on could be in trouble alright.


He’s very good - there, I said it.

He has the rubby with Virgin and would pick up work no bother somewhere else.The other subs would find it hard to get work as nobody knows them.I think Joe is quite good at his job.

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Stocking fillers.

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Joe will have a long successful broadcasting career you’d think, providing Killester’s own Mark Chapman doesn’t catch up with him and ask him for an autograph etc…

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Did anyone sign up in the end?

Don’t know a single person that did. Many of which were regular enough listeners.

Would be shocked if they got many

I was watching gilroy interview Jim Bolger.

Gilroy asked him had he any plan if the horses didn’t work out.

Bolger replies well I was confident I could make money. I would be able to use a shovel unlike some people.

Jim smiles over at gilroy.

Gilroy absolutely seething looking back.


I was thinking about this earlier. What works for radio (i.e. broad generalised analysis etc) is unlikely to be deep enough for those who might pay a bit.

I’d say they’ll pick up subscriptions from those abroad but they’re arriving late to a market that’s already well served in Ireland.


That is a howler. Why does Gilroy have to interview someone he knows nothing about? There is nothing wrong with admitting ‘I know nothing about this fella, have someone else do it.’

Jim was an accountant of some description anyway wasn’t he? I’ve heard he was doing 100 press-ups every morning up until a few years ago anyway. I’d say Gilroy would struggle to do 15 in succession.

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Worked as a Bookkeeper iirc

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I’d love to know how it’s doing. I do somewhat miss it from the podcast rotation but it was kinda easy listening stuff rather than anything I’d seek out and I don’t ever really see myself paying for it


I knew what I bookmaker did from an early age, or at least what happened in there, Turf Accountant had me stumped,

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Nail on head…that’s the difference with second capts

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He used to challenge new young lads in the stable to a press up challenge. They’d always go first and burst out of it until arms fell off them. Jim would get down on his knees and do ladies press ups until he beat their amount and then slag them for not being able to beat an 80 year old man in a press up challenge to test them. Proper old school


Once Gilroy started talking about opening the kimono it was game over.


Molloy followed up on Gilroy’s comment and mentioned pulling back the curtain.

He didn’t realise it was actually the curtain call.