OTB (Off The Ball)

He’s fair fond of introducing the “Fallacy of sunk costs”

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He reminds me of Artie Ziff from the Simpsons but with less money


Was in the car last night and I heard them flogging it and in the same sentence mentioning Johnny Giles being on the pod. Jesus wept. I’ll stick to Richo and his Gazette Sport and espressos.

Man Utd supporter dislikes old man who calls out their football club for the being the shambles they are shocker.

There is a thread for this somewhere surely

Much like the analysis of Banquo destroying the club from within since his “retirement”, they wont hear the truth no matter where it comes from. My man is well able to stay away from the truth when it suits him.

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Giles doesn’t give them enough credit for the adidas deal

Perhaps. Tis fierce bad form to disrespect the opinion of a man like Giles all the same.

Giles in that long interview format has always been annoying.

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It’s sad to see/hear but his best days are well behind him. Nathan Murphy constantly having to correct him or jog his memory is pretty cringeworthy radio.

You would hope that Giles is not short of a few bob and is doing this for a love of it

Giles is incredibly stubborn I’d say (a lot of men of that era are) so I doubt he’ll be going of his own accord.

In his pomp, nobody was a better judge of a player or could analyse a game like him. He was the Senior Analyst for a reason.


82 years of age lads, greatest ever to wear the green, top pundit until recently, just showing his years is all


Getting onto the show is probably what’s keeping him going.


Mr. Irish Football

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When men were men

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He had absolutely no time for defensive midfield players or attacking midfield players.

He wanted midfield players who could ‘do their stuff’ at everything. His crush on Luka Modric over the last 15 years has been something else.


Billy Bremner could do it all. Makelele was only a cod

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He had an awful thing against Makelele and Essien for a while at Chelsea.

:grinning: :grinning:

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That Oisin Lagan fella is spinning the hits on Freedom FM in the mornings these days,is he gone from OTB