Outstanding headlines


I like this more than I should.

A Freudian headline

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Poor aul Mick, whoever he was, probably didnt foresee that being the first line of an obituary about him

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23 million house. “Will you take cash?” :joy::joy:

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Crystal Meth.
Dear me :flushed::flushed::flushed::slightly_frowning_face::slightly_frowning_face:

Good to see The Kerryman (North Edition) were brought along for the Tralee leg of this drugs bust.


Roger Waters is a supporter of Russia’s genocide. He can go and shit on the wall.

When Waters isn’t the biggest dickhead in the headline, you know there’s a problem

I’d consider Waters a much bigger dickhead than Bono. He’s fully on board on with the Putinist world view. He’s utterly pathetic and one of the exact sort of charlatans I referenced yesterday who cheerlead genocide when it’s done by Putin or an ally of Putin and pretend to oppose it when an ally of the US does it.

Bono has made an utter cunt of himself with his silence over Gaza alright but to the best of my knowledge he’s not actually cheerleading what’s happening.



More Irish than the Irish themselves
Seriously, is there any comeback on hateful people like that who lie to steal money?

Cougars in the classroom is a smashing headline, worthy of the Daily Mail


Very helpful of the Daily Mail to include glammed up photos of the teachers also, along with the mugshots