Outstanding Meltdowns

@glasagusban you gotta admit the picture is spot on .

Older one wins hands down

Johnny Depp is a pain in the hole.


Depp is magnificent but Wilder owns that role. Even depp couldnā€™t save Burtons shit show.

Good pirate though

A shite actor that good some good gigs in the 90s. A poor manā€™s Brad Pitt.

Wilder all day

A right smelly fucker Iā€™d say.

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Not on the same planet as Brad.


Might be :grin: take it you arenā€™t endeared to the bould Johnny boy

I just think heā€™s a tiresome little prick.


Get ya, Iā€™m tbe same with that bollox in Notting Hill( Hugh Grant)

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A face born to be smacked

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Ohhhhh yessss false bastard, his last one was another crock of shite, Gentlemen

He can always say he was in Platoon.He was very good in his early career but was phoning it in for the last 10 at least.


Fear and loathing, hes very good in that. He got the character actor niche and is raking it in from it. Whoā€™d blame him.

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Platoon had some cast.Its in my top 3 films Iā€™d say.


I wouldnā€™t have it near mine. Itā€™s not even my favourite Vietnam movie. That would be full metal jacket

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Itā€™s a great movie, the best of the Vietnam movies for me, but I canā€™t remember Depp in it

I always thought Willy Wonka was shit, but obviously Iā€™ve seen it loads, couldnā€™t ever bring myself to watch the new one, Roalld Dahl is not to my taste though theyā€™re nice nooks to read aloud

Full metal Jacket is outstanding until they get to Vietnam @EstebanSexface, the second half is shit

I totally agree here.Depp had a very small part in Platoon.As they leave the village they just burnt down you can clearly see him carrying a child .