Outstanding Meltdowns

Iā€™ve in the region of 500 posts on the racism thread not read. Best avoided?

Cc @myboyblue

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Iā€™d like to know this too


The woman from Banshee is in this. An absolute stunner. :heart_eyes:

Left an elderly Asian lad blind in one eye, randomly attacked him.

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The Dirty Dozen is hard get.Stalag 17 is a great show too.

How has Hacksaw Ridge not been mentioned in decent war movies? Outstanding

Too young.

Letters from [mad Japanese name] got credited. Judges on the take here it seems.

Heroes of Telemark.Where Eagles Dare.

Waterloo is the greatest war movie ever made, no comparison.

No fancy special effects just quality film making with extras made up of the Russian army.

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You sure?Any black people killed there?

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Here pig farmer, follow someone else around who might give you some attention.


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You couldnā€™t make it up :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Heā€™s some buck

Harmless enough crayture all told. Scorn not his simplicity

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I havenā€™t seen Banshee, but I assume youā€™re referring to Lili Simmons. Yeah, sheā€™s a stunner.

I had to turn it off because I wasnt paying attention. Iā€™ll put a night aside for it

You mean you turned it off so you could play ā€˜Matlockā€™ on another thread?! :rofl:

The internet is serious business. Lads canā€™t even take a night off to watch a movie.

Iā€™ve had a few beers. And Iā€™m having fun. Leave a man to his vices