Outstanding Meltdowns

This is what happens when there is no GAA season. Apocalypse.

tenor (40)

This place makes what happened in London yesterday look like a green party conference

Never knew @backinatracksuit cared about humanity so much, Iā€™m touched , and here was me thinking he couldnt give a fuck about people as he ran and cycled out of his restricted area in a global pandemic. Breathing and coughing on bystanders in different communities

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Is the ball about to be brought home?


This place is pretty laissez-faire but these are very sensitive times. I can understand completely why there is a need to put reins on certain topics now.

The forum could be on the radar of very cynical people who could quite easily take some banter or otherwise misdirected comments out of context and make things very difficult for @Rocko

Itā€™s grand, your reply and accusation to @glasagusban lacked accuracy in my opinion but at least it was more original than the usual Tinkerbell or on the period sort of thing,
but the thread had really gone to the dogs, i spent a while reading last nights episode and if you read it in one go youā€™ll realise how utterly pointless and circular it was, a bit of fresh blood would have been no harm but nobody would want to bring it on themselves.
We donā€™t know what happened in the policemanā€™s head but my God what a dipshit

In the form of a statue

Youā€™re paranoid. It was your turn! You had 120 odd turns on that thread since yesterday. You had your say. (Itā€™s all your opinion).

I shut everyone off, not just you.

Take a break from it. You donā€™t need to object to everything. And if you have a problem with it, PM me or go elsewhere. My time is more important to me than it is to you and Iā€™m not going to waste it on explaining anything further to a paranoid individual.

To be honest I must have replied the same thing to @EstebanSexface at least 40 times. And to Lazarus Iā€™d say it made for hard reading. I should have left it at one or two.

Incompetent cops, for the final time, if they had arrested him properly heā€™d be alive. Time will tell if the force was excessive. It might have been,might not.

Whatā€™s this about? I have hardly posted on this issue at all

Are you slightly touched??

Jesus fucking christ. You were just telt

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It was obviously excessive ffs

Leave it everyone. I shut the topic for a reason.

Christ,and this goes for everyone,read the thread

No but you showed up to the party lurking through a window while pleasing yourself from a distance , youā€™ve now been called out on it

Okey doke
Iā€™ve sworn off this kind of thing so Iā€™ll wish you a pleasant afternoon

Stop, incompetence? Incompetence would have been arriving on scene and driving over GF.
They choked him out over 8 minutes, thatā€™s murder.

Weā€™re not talking about George Floyd.

The guy with the taser in Atlanta? Who got shot in the back?