Outstanding Rants


Good job she didn’t find the FGM room.

She’s a bit mad


Gemma has fully gone off the deep end.

They aren’t even “chem trails” :joy: they are literally clouds

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It’s sad really.

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Are you red pilled?

“if you haven’t woke or red pilled then you need to waken up”

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Not unlike Sinead O Connors descent into madness. A laughing stock until it all comes to the inevitable end.


Yes. There are worrying similarities. She seems to be getting worse quite quickly.

The mind is a complex thing, we never know what a persons breaking point is. There’s one or two fellas on here who I could see up a clocktower with a high powered rifle as well.


You gotta dream…


They are roundup clouds.


There’s something about conspiracy theories that seems to appeal to certain people. Thinking only you and a fringe group of people are right but no one else in the World can see it, seems to give people a sense of belonging. Then they start feeding on each other fueling their madness until eventually they’ve lost all sight of reality and everything is a Government plot or a Jewish plot or a George Soros plot etc.

First you are skeptical of the official version of something like the 9/11 events, then you get deeper and deeper into and before you know it you are abusing families of victims of Sandy Hook online for being actors.

The latest is that 5G is actually a weapon to murder us all on demand. It’s a good thing we are gone fiber optic I guess.


id say between the weight of the court cases against INM (her husband also had one IIRC) and then the husband’s untimely death and the inability to secure any type of proper journalistic employment since have all taken a heavy toll on her mental health.

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Is this @mac ?


Weather Modifications companies… Olivers travels, engineered weather.



Gemma has found out about the globalist garden centers now.

Gallup’n across the sky too the brazen bastards.

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