Pants Down (Laaaaive in the UK)

It was two women have come forward so far isn’t it? Or in one case her parents.

Not sure if it’s a girl or a boy tbh

A number of BBC staff have now also come forward and the BBC have re-opened there investigations.

Vindication for the scousers

Whatever about the legality of it.

I’d say his arse is fairly cooked, career wise, given all the different strands of it

they absolutely may well do. Like you say, a rag like that will do anything. However the vitriol and absolute homophobic element of their reporting and the online comments are pushing this way more than if it was the other way around. There are little to no facts after being released, but yet he’s been labelled all sorts.

There are a couple of aspects to this, legally, its been said he has done nothing illegal. Morally, he’s a fucking idiot to be at that shit when married with a family and his job would probably be fucked either way for bringing himself as a public figure into disrepute. And then the homosexual aspect of it, which really shouldnt matter, but its clear from the way the Sun and the online comments are framing it, makes it an even bigger story and that is whats leading it. As I said, reading the comments under that tweet show a huge homophobic reaction to all of this.

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Not that it matters, but do we know it was a male he was involved with rather than a female?

not sure if its been properly said, but seems to be taking that view anyway.

He broke covid rules. He’s a monster

Well if he broke them while pontificating, then he should be in front of a firing squad

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I was almost certain the initial reporting said it was a female.

“Reporting” says a lot of things.

It was “reported” by the BBC yesterday that Huw Edwards had resigned from the BBC, when he had not.

That’s how I read the story first too. But I can’t remember if it was just my head decided that or what

It did, but have seen no reference to gender since.

Who wrote this? I’ll tell you who wrote it. The same Sun columnist who was setting himself up as a paragon of virtue on Newsnight last night. The guy that ran away and left his wife for a young one.

He pontificated on everything. I’d be glad never to hear his sanctimonious soppy-stern voice again.


It’s always the most pious

Few lads on here like that

I’ve no doubt there is an homophobic element.

I think the difference between this story and Schofield is that this was absolutely private. There was no workplace dimension to it. The Schofield story did have an element of public interest in it.

I will also say that I do think there is a discussion to be had in terms of relations between older gay men and younger ones that was very relevant with Schofield. This isn’t homophonic - I’d put it up there with societies disparaging view of male bosses getting with young female employees. There is absolutely a thing with older gay men and younger ones (not necessarily illegal) that should be as fair game to criticise as the male/female dynamic.

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There was.