Pants Down (Laaaaive in the UK)


Murdoch has given Nadine dorries a gig.
He I suspect has frontal lobe syndrome.

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No, he’s just made it his life’s vocation to shovel as much shit as he can onto society and employing Nadine Dorries would be entirely in keeping with that.

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I think he didn’t care before much for anything other than money. He’s now corrupted far beyond that. Bitter corrupt old man

This story is so messed up even our resident edgelords are struggling how to play it


He’s always cared about imposing a rapacious right wing agenda through disinformation. There are few people you’d wish death on but the sooner he toddles on the better for everybody, not that it will actually improve things or anything.

I would have been under the impression that paying for x rated photos of a 17 year old (which is a child) was a criminal offence.

If that is proven to be true - the book should be thrown at him.

“Detectives from the Met’s Specialist Crime Command have now concluded their assessment and have determined there is no information to indicate that a criminal offence has been committed”, the Metropolitan Police’s statement read.

“In reaching this decision, they have spoken to a number of parties including the BBC and the alleged complainant and the alleged complainant’s family, both via another police force. There is no further police action. As such, the Met has advised the BBC it can continue with its internal investigation.”

The statement added: “We are aware of media reporting of further allegations against the same individual. No specific details or information about these allegations have been passed to us and therefore there is no police action at this time.”

Meanwhile, South Wales Police also revealed that it has identified “no criminality” and, as such, there are “no ongoing enquiries” being carried out against Mr Edwards.

"South Wales Police has remained in contact with representatives of the Metropolitan Police and the BBC following a meeting on Monday”, a statement from South Wales Police read.

"Information was initially received by the force in April 2023 regarding the welfare of an adult. No criminality was identified.

"Following recent events, further enquiries have been carried out and officers have spoken to a number of parties to establish whether any criminal allegations are being made.

"At this time, there is no evidence that any criminal offences have been committed. There are no ongoing enquiries being carried out by South Wales Police.

“However, should evidence of criminality or safeguarding issues be identified at any point in future then they will be investigated.”

Fair enough. Maybe it was all above board legally then and the Sun were acting the bollix around the age etc

Morally though, is there a question there for a 61 year old broadcaster to be behaving in that manner as a married man with 5 children who are possibly older than the person getting paid for explict photos.

To me that doesn’t sit right. I barely recognise the broadcaster in question as I don’t watch the BBC news but if he’s their highest paid broadcaster. It doesnt sound great.

The Sun lied and there is no public interest angle as regards what Edwards legally gets up to in his private life.

The Sun has also distorted the prevailing media environment to such an extent that the BBC feels compelled into playing into its agenda. This is why these right wing rags exist and why right wing fake news exists - to distort the prevailing informational environment and so distort the agenda of legacy media to benefit a rapacious right wing agenda.

The Sun should be closed down and I hope Rupert Murdoch dies very soon.

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If the Sun did lie - they should be hit extremely hard legally. Totally agree with you on that.

Morally though, this guy was I believe the top paid broadcaster from the BBC in terms of the news department.

Is there a moral question there given the age difference and the fact that he is married?

What did he do? Pay for porn on OnlyFans, which is a legal website?

The Sun used splash topless photos of 16 year old girls all over its pages.

The Sun promotes OnlyFans, FFS sake.

The Sun employs Harry Cole.

The Sun employs Rod Liddle.

The Sun employs Dan Wootton.

I don’t read or buy the Sun newspapers mate.

They’re not a platform to moralize obviously but I think you have to take them out of the equation on this one.

Morally, this guy has let down his wife and family. Would you genuinely disagree with that?

I don’t think you would and he does need to be moved on.

His private life is his private life. He hasn’t done anything illegal. Morals don’t even come into it.

George Osborne, on the other hand…

  1. Interesting, that little comment-about that little rift between Luke and yourself. Why’d that happen, George?
  • Because Luke’s been telling everyone what happened that night in 2019. With you and that girl in a toilet cubicle. That girl who couldn’t even stand up. Remember her?

  • Of course, it’s not just that girl, is it?

  • How about that little girl in Bruton you came across that night? Remember that? Did you know she’d only just turned 16? How old were you then, George, 49? Thea was pregnant at the time, wasn’t she? November 2020, wasn’t it? That girl made some very interesting posts about it…

  • Same age as your daughter Liberty, just about. The one who worked at At The Chapel? Was it just a coincidence that your baby ended up with the same name?

He might marry her yet

She’d need to be a spy for him to do that.

We used to be a proper country

That camera zoom at 11 seconds was genius.

Its actually sad seeing what RTE has become. Different age I suppose.
RTE is grubby
BBC is seedy

That neatly sums up public life in the respective countries.
Tans do sex scandals.
We do money scandals.

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