Paris Olympics 2024

Ah Liam you don’t sing when you’re recording.

Some maudlin shite all the same

I wasn’t but i am delighted to learn it. You’re a fountain of colonial knowledge, as always.

This looks like the next big cause for sure

We’ll have jelly and ice cream yet


Where do you stand on Kellie given her previous comments on immigrants?

To which she has since apologised for of course.

They’d walk the cricket though

The Indians are the best in the world at what is important to them.

I somewhat answered that on the Off The Ball thread. I think she’s an amazing sportsperson and mostly a terrific person and I very much wanted to see her win. I’ve seen enough from her to think she’s a good person.

She was taken in by that propaganda. The problem now with the way online propaganda works now is people in the public eye with a platform can sometimes naively get taken in by it and re-broadcast it while not understanding the motive of those who push it because they don’t spend all their time on social media and aren’t familiar with the motives of every Twitter fascist propagandist. They can re-broadcast stuff with really harmful effects without really thinking about what they’re doing or understanding any of it. Fascists like that Dutch woman pose as simple “concerned citizens”. They don’t tell you straight out they’re fascists. People who are familiar with their modus operandi know these propagandists are fascists but under 1% of the population spends enough time studying their output to know what they are.

Then when the person that re-broadcasts them get challenged (rightly so), their understanding is very shallow, they don’t have the knowledge or the critical tools to explain themselves or defend what they did. And they’re afraid to admit making a mistake. They perceive themselves to be under attack. It becomes a lose-lose situation. That makes them dig in and put up barriers as a reflex and they dig the hole deeper. That’s clearly the situation she found herself in.

The best thing for her to have done would have been to just admit making a mistake straight away but I think she was too proud to admit to having done that. She got cornered by Shane Hannon but she should expected herself to be questioned and she was very naive to believe she wouldn’t be. Any journalist worth their salt would have challenged her given a chance.

It’s a warning in the social media age about not jumping into areas and concepts you don’t know anything about. I hope not but I suspect we may not have heard the last from her about all this, but it’ll be via her social media platforms or a book if we do. I got the impression she used the whole episode as a big motivating factor but wasn’t saying so and sort of biting her tongue. I suspect she won’t be doing a Late Late Show appearance or much other media this time.


That pretty much sums up my view as well. It goes to show how well got she is that people are willing to be understanding and give her a pass in relation to her retweeting and comment, which was pretty bad in the overall scheme of things, albeit that she didn’t seem to mean it.


I was in O’Sullivan’s in Moulin Rouge for the iconic 2017 All Ireland Football Final.


People give you somewhat of a pass when they think they have a good handle on what you really are. Harrington worked in the care sector and by all accounts was insanely popular where she worked. She has always displayed total respect towards opponents and behaved around competition in a very admirable way. People remember that genuinely touching picture when she brought the medallists together in a group hug after she won in Tokyo. It summed up how we as Irish people would like to see ourselves and be seen in the world.

People understand that social media is a cesspit and it’s easy for a good person to get taken in by bullshit. They understand that an Olympic medallist doesn’t have a professional PR team around them to coach them what to say. That’s generally why we love hearing from Olympic athletes, because they’re so much more interesting to listen to than players in professional team sports or the GAA where everybody is paranoid about saying anything. But it also leaves them expose if they stray into an area they shouldn’t stray into.

I don’t give a pass to the message she retweeted. That message is poison. I don’t see why people should have a problem with anybody pointing that out. I just don’t want a cherished sporting and national hero going down the road of that stuff and I want them to understand what the message they were promoting really is.

Public platforms carry responsibilities, like it or not.

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Harrington retweeted on a murder of a young girl in France by an illegal immigrant. It was an opinion 95% of people would and still do agree on.

Of course, in this day and age if you don’t follow the exact perfect template of beliefs on every topic from immigration to Gaza to gay rights to vaccines you are then seen as a right wing fascist by the MSM and thrown under the bus.

The same cunts “celebrate” her win now.


95% of people agree European girls are being “sacrificed on the altar of mass immigration”? Idiot.


I think there had been a few murders of women and obviously this can be very emotive. The woke mob love a good cancelling tho…

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Sorry but this is glib nonsense. It’s messages like this which led Harrington into the trouble in the first place.

A real friend of Kellie Harrington would have pointed out what the message she was re-tweeting really was.

The message was a fascist one. That immigrants and Muslims are all CRIMINALS and MURDERERS and THE OTHER and must be KEPT OUT or DEPORTED or BURNT OUT.

Fascists use particular crimes to cosplay as simple concerned citizens with bona fides. They have no bona vides. They distort. They intend to distort. They intend to harm. The carry on in Southport and elsewhere in England in the last week, and in Coolock, that’s the real face of that Dutch fascist propagandist. She desires chaos and crime and racial pogroms and more Kristallnachts.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek IS a fascist. She’s a Nazi. That’s what she is and no bleating will change that.

Cancelled while simultaneously getting gold at the Olympics? Remarkable double feat.

What? … I didn’t say she was cancelled, just that you headbangers love a good cancelling.

As we gathered in the chapel here in Old Kilmainham Jail
I think about these past few weeks, oh will they say we’ve failed?

My general point is that unless you 100% agree on all of the above topics you can now be thrown under the bus as a racist/fascist. I didn’t look into any of harringtons retweets etc specifically but remember thinking at the time that’s the woke mob after her.
Simon Zebo has never been questioned from the rubby obsessed media which shows some double standards.

Anyway, better off not pollute this thread with such discussion, probably better suited to another thread where people can have their view.

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Anyway, better off not pollute this thread with such discussion, probably better suited to another thread where people can have their view.

No harm in calling out the hypocrisy here.

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