Paris Olympics 2024

Good show by the Mignons there.


Itā€™s a tremendous national anthem in fairness

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Le Pen will be raging at the ethnicity of the singer.


I think thereā€™s a bit of a want in Shane Lowry.

Why would he be arsed carrying the flag? He must think thereā€™ll be a piss up after it or something.

This post is not getting the love it deserves

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Foreign boats piling into Paris,

One called the refugee team.

I think she hasnā€™t any more room left to be raging.

The French far right wonā€™t like that segment with pro-abortion and anti-colonial women.

Lo(u)ve has won tonight.

That segment bookended by the ambient, operatic versions of the Marseillaise was very good.

Shur why wouldnā€™t you? Tis nice to say youā€™ve done it.

Is the location of the flame supposed to be a surprise or what? It would be pretty cool if it was at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Iā€™m presuming itā€™s not going to be in the Stade De France.

RTE tearing the arse out of it with ads. Over to the BBC.



The Double Dutch and break dancing. The 80s called and want their dance routines back

I wouldnā€™t be an opening ceremony afficiado but showcasing the city to the world is a stroke of genius

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Paris reminds me a lot of Limerick


The Seine needs a boardwalk.

Both Iā€™d say.

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Theyā€™d probably light their own shite on fire