Paris Olympics 2024

And we’re back on BBC for the conclusion of the weightlifting.

If one of these puts my max deadlift over their heads I’ll have to book in an extra hour with the psychiatrist


Ayovi Cabezas is some character. Cmaaaannnn.

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Not to be. But what an Olympian.

Evanne looking unreal :ok_hand:

@Mac ‘s mate Senator Malcolm Byrne has released a statement calling on Ireland to commence preparations to submit a bid to host the 2072 (Twenty Seventy-Two) Summer Olympics.


Li Wenwen comfortably lifts 167 and still has two lifts to come. Hopefully she goes for 200kg on her next lift.


This Chinese weight lifter is frightening

Li Wenwen lifts 173kg for a total of 309 with one lift to go. Only Park can stop her. Two clean athletes going for gold. Great to see.

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The Park girl left that very late…

Is that enough time to get a planning application through?


Id say shed be considerate enough to soften it before returning it at least

Bronze for Emily Campbell. She fails at 174 trying to get silver. Here goes Li Wenwen with the last lift of the competition. 174 on the bar.

Li doesn’t do the lift and instead lifts her coach above her and dances on stage.

What. A. Women’s. Weightlifting. Competition.

Weightlifting has been criminally neglected for most of these Olympics but at least we’re going out on a high today.


Bronze for GB’s Emma Finucane in the women’s sprint. She’s the grand niece of League Of Ireland legend Al Finucane.

Your man explaining the cycling to Evanne and she comes back with the least convincing “wow that is fascinating” I’ve heard in a long time

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Cyril reckons we should switch the club and IC seasons.
There is nothing he says that is wrong ever, so I’m with that.