Paris Olympics 2024


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Be the perfect junket for Big Rob Ryan to go international.


I suspect that by and large, if a child doesn’t show talent at running by 14, he or she is unlikely to become elite.
Competitive track running, unlike cross country, trail or road running is pretty much a sport for elites.
Getting hammered in races repeatedly in training or in an event would dishearten most kids.
There is always an exception, but I think this is pretty accurate probably.


She may not want to.

Although Sinead Diver had a nightmare today, she shows that World Class athletes can develop at any age. She was well into her 30s when she took up running I think


Could ye stretch to kinnerk?


True…it is not a sport for late developers.

Perhaps you could get a latecomer for the field events.

Yes I’m sure you could in field events.

Probably not if its less than her salary. At the end of the day being a professional athlete is just a job. I know a few ex pro rubby players who said this to me on retirement

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My good friend*, Eton alumnus and former failed candidate for captain of DUBC Rob Swift once said, and I quote: “Rowing doesn’t require skill and almost nobody does it. If you row for seven years and you’re not at senior international level at the end of it, you’re a fucking retard.”


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If he’d stick to training kids instead of preventing Sonya O Sullivan from getting a word in edgeways that would surely be a win win.


The end of that segment was a bit Riverdancy.

As I said

I was in school with a girl, an absolute animal of an athlete, had numerous track and field records underage. She took up rowing in 6th year and got a full scholarship to a big well know university in the US. She was only rowing maybe 5 months when she got the offer. Did the SATs here before the leaving

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One of the Irish boxing ladies in Paris seemingly only took up the sport 2-3 years ago.

Great to see Adeleke get gold here.
I think the tipp woman is all makeup and is very average looking without it.
Becker while very attractive gives off south county Dublin vibes and that’s a major turn off.

It goes without saying they’d all get it but this is top tier athletics so you have to be ruthless.

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Whats the name of this crowd?

I tried to warn wiffen swimming in that river wouldn’t end well

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Pheonix. A great little band.


Guns Et Roses playing here.