PDC World Darts Championship 2010

Thanks for the tip. :rolleyes:

Mardle in deep deep shit here, one leg away from going out.

Artut should have it wrapped up at this stage

The German lad just unbelieveably missed 12 darts from 76, Mardle was way back on 300 or so, farcical leg, awful darts all round, Mardle takes it to stay alive.

All over. Mardle wouldn’t have won a match in a pub tournament with that performance.

Is Mardle a gambler sid? Any chance he threw the game?

Its not a shock though. Mardle has been bad all year.

He was always one to blow hot and cold in fairness.


This link has better quality video if you can get it to stream.


I doubt there was anything underhand in it although you can never completly rule anything out in Drats, Mardle just looked like somebody from whom all confidence had completely drained and it’s hard to see him come back as a decent player for a good while anyway after that.

Cracking little match there in the preliminary round. Christian Perez beat Per Laursen 4-3 in legs. Not one double missed in the whole match, the lad who won had about a 93 average.

Priestly = legend. A gas man, he must be completely over his illness these days. Really miss not having the sports channels anymore, have no clue these days who is playing well.

Isn’t Phil Taylor on the sex offenders list?

[quote=“Woody”]This link has better quality video if you can get it to stream.


How did you find that link Woody or are you the broadcaster?
I’d like to know how to find the darts on that when I go home for the Christmas. I googled vshare.tv there but could not find a list of streams to view myself.


Priestley is a legend indeed and you can’t help but root for him. Come on Dennis.

Mardle is a pure jokeshop at this stage.

He’s on fire here

Get in there. :clap:

excellent, im streaming it Dunph, about 30secs behind live I’d say.

Better than nothing ballooba.

Be careful when clicking into this thread though or i’ll spoil it for you.

Lets see just how far behind the stream is.

I’ll post again the second they resume here.