Pdraig Harrington

Heard an interview with Harrington yesterday morning. He was saying that he’s tired this week because he won a tournament last week so even though he was scoring well in the golf he’s not sure he’ll keep it going and he thinks if he drops a couple of shots then it will come apart at the seams a bit because he’s so tired and he doesn’t see himself being able to recover from any dropped shots.

Unsurprisingly the unmotivated Harrington promptly went out and shot two brutal rounds and finished nowhere from being in contention on Friday night. What sort of elite professional sportsman prepares all these excuses for himself before he even goes out and fails. He played 4 rounds last week, the same as any other week. Why should he be extra tired just because he won? He looks for excuses and ways out the whole time.

Actually just remembered he played an extra hole last week so that could be it.

Harrington really is a disgrace. A big bottler and complaining about feeling tired after last week. Huge difference between himself and Clarke. Clarke naturally very talented and does well under pressure Harrington works very hard is a scrapper and starts to panic on the back nine if he is in contention.

Harrington is a born loser. :slight_smile:

It’s funny the way your all so critical of a player who is ranked among the best in the world. He has been in and around the top ten for the last number of years. THE TOP TEN IN THE WORLD!!

Then you lot come out with stuff like ‘he’s a born loser’ and ‘he is a disgrace’ and ‘a big bottler’.

Get a grip will you?! An Irishman competing on the highest stage week in week out applauded by most of the rest of the world but ridiculed by eejits in his own country who should be proud but know no better than to criticise and demean.

I dont know what he is, I’m just jumping on the bandwagon