People Kev knows

A townie coach of a team I was on said to my auld lad that he could pick out the farmers sons as we were the strongest physically and weren’t too worried about getting a belt.

You had to have a brother to really get the best out of this situation. We were always competitive and being thick cunts we would race each other cleaning out calving boxes by hand or hand balling bags of meal/fertilizer. The boss was probably laughing his hole off at us


And you often see the youngest brother of 3 or 4 be the best footballer/hurler of the bunch.Because he’s got the most batings etc

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There’s more than just 2, but go on

Having coach in your handle or bio


Unacceptable behaviour

Coach is bad enough but Lifecoach…

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Oh Jesus

“ecological dynamics”
Anyone care to explain?

Life coach influencer

Got buried in this thread after the Kev thread was bumped

Tremendous exchanges in the few posts prior to this one.


It’s a pity the right wing lads ruined all the fun. That’s a tremendous exchange.

There was another one when kev enquired about the
Price of sheep and nembo replied are you considering selling your clients :smile::smile::smile:


A solicitor who likened TFK to a pub.

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There’s a reason soccer clubs have pitches that aren’t worth a shit btw

The goat cleaned house again on twitter last. He’s absolutely box office.


Kev is correct on this one.

That the ball catchers were installed incorrectly?

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It’s frustrating. I’ve had 3 matches postponed this weekend.

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