People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

Im involved in coaching ages from 14-17 and it always amazes me how polite and well mannered 95% of them are. Committment is also excellent.

Completely at odds with the usual narrative about teens. I guess there are plenty of them do fuck all as well except glued to the phone


You’re spending too much of your time trying to launch rash attacks on my impregnable defence. I think it’s time you had some introspection.

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If only victims of sex abuse had an impregnable defence

If only Tyrone has an impregnable defence.

Grammatical mistakes? What is up with you today?


@glasagusban prides himself on policing grammar on here.

Grammatical mistakes is a grammar mistake.

He made one further up which I let slide. Nice to see he went back and put in a full stop though. I’m kind like that, I usually give people the benefit of the doubt at least once.

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try to remain grammatical while pointing out mistakes in grammar.

I was referring to this one. I am correct as per usual.

I take it blind sport is a euphemism too.

I’m referring to this one. Grammatical mistakes is like saying you’re correctly wrong.

Nope, it’s exactly as it translates.

I hear you now need a character reference to join the grammar police

Constable Libtard Grammar will now be taking an extended absence from his duties.

You really missed a trick there in not calling him PC, mate


Good spots. I’m glad I’m getting through to some people on literacy standards. Of course you’ve now moved on from the argument you were losing having failed to address the point. That’s more of it now.

Monaghan women tend to marry outside the county

Certainly been the case with any Monaghan women I’ve known

I didn’t know he was talking about child sex abuse but still fuck him.

Sadlier IIRC is a self-admitted drug cheat who has barely apologised for it. Glas will correct me if I’m wrong but I thought I read that on TFK, which is a very credible source. I posted here before about how Brezzie made up stories for his anxiety book about where some of his injuries came from (Brezzie got injured getting shit-faced and partying and falling over in a pub, not by having an anxiety attack).

If Sadlier’s was really abused he’s still just made a decision to try and coin his experiences and what do other victims get from that? That’s if he’s telling the truth at all.

And who wants to fucking read this? What is unique about Sadlier’s experience? What’s his original insight?

That’s if it’s even true. You’d be very naive to think that there aren’t scummy celebrities out there who would make this shite up.

All these celebrities can fuck off, I’m sick of the lot of them. How much of this really helps people? Wellness for example was potentially a beneficial movement that’s been destroyed by chancers.

Is there any objective evidence that these celebrity bandwagoners have improved Ireland’s mental health at all? Or are the kids that listen to them more depressed than ever?

And who the fuck wants to read that book?


What’s wrong with strong and silent masculinity? Why do you feel the need to go on a rant? Who the fuck wants to read that?

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