People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

He annoys me a lot at times and is quite enjoyable at other times. I have absolutely no interest in the EPL these days so much prefer it when its in the international break. McDevitt is excellent and their GAA coverage, especially football has really improved with Oisin McConville and Andy Moran

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Are you Rees Mogg or another nazi tory pig cunt?

Iā€™m 98% sure Jacob Rees Mogg posts here alright.


I have to agree. I might be mad but in a perverse way look forward to the Ireland games.

Glad you enjoy your school dinners Michael but time to give Mommy back her phone.

He tries to disguise it but he canā€™t help himself sometimes.

I had genuinely forgotten that Ken Earley exists. Did the talented one out of them still not manage to shake him off?

Was he not the talented one?

Heā€™s read a few books so can pontificate about politics while the others get lumbered with the nuts and bolts material


Who is so?

Tony Holohan
Why the fuck are we hearing about their recommendations before government make their decisions?
That is ego out of control right there,lads.
The baldy headed cunt needs to be reigned in pronto.
Imagine if the prick pulled that shit on Bertie,Haughey or even Enda?
Heā€™d be out the door like a rat with a black stripe on his back.


Our media are focussed on Covid to the exclusion of all else tbf, heā€™s going to get asked for his thoughts

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Heā€™d have been arrested for child porn or membership of the IRA

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Iā€™m sure he is but for Christ sake,he should know his place.
It undermines our government,itā€™s disrespectful and it also wouldnā€™t be tolerated in any business.
People need to wake up to those NEPHET cunts.
Ego out of control is a dangerous dangerous thing and to be honest Iā€™ve a feeling the top level lads havenā€™t it in them to tell the cunts to shut the fuck and keep their recommendations between the relevant people.
I donā€™t remember any of those NEPHET cunts on my ballot paper.

Luke oā€™Neill isnā€™t a member of NPHET

According to the Irish Times there was a huge shouting match between the countryā€™s top civil-servant and Tony Holohan recently. The civil service canā€™t believe Holohanā€™s carry-on.

Edit: I would absolutely love it if Archbishop Holohan got taken down in an inside job. Maybe they could fuck him during the cervical smear tribunal or something.


My issue is the prick literally thinks heā€™s running the fuckn country!!!
Like what the fuck are Meehole and the other lad like,FFS!!
It would be like a foreman telling his developer what direction he should go,and the foreman then,on the side,telling all and sundry HIS recommendations.
Itā€™s actually unbelievable


There were layers put on top of NPHET to stop this shite, which they just ignored. Theyā€™ve been told to stop their daily press conferences as well. It could all come collapsing down on him very quickly. Micheal Martin is actually fairly pathetic.

I actually passed one of those NPHET boys outside Heuston station when this was all just starting and they were still popular. It was the thin one with the northern accent. Anyway, he saw the flicker of recognition in my eyes and I could see him beaming and smiling to me, almost ready to say hello to me as if he knew me because he was just loving the attention that much. And all the other randomers he was meeting were telling him that he was a great man so thatā€™s what he expected from me. In retrospect it was all going to his head already. Or maybe heā€™s just a homo.