People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

Told ya-ego getting out of control.
The love will turn to hate very quickly and then watch the smile disappear.

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Did he order anything from the deli? How did he go about it?

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A Footlong
I’d suggest.

His ego is out of control no doubt but medical advice and the law are two different things and should remain so. He can recommend what he likes but the other clowns should be able to tell him no

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Beginning ???

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Thread favourite Kathryn Thomas has the New Year’s Eve gig this year.

Jamie Wall, Christ he is a self important pompous arsehole

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Very fond of a ridiculous analogy. Usually involving Manchester United or The Simpsons.

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Bernard brogan


Ah jaysus, I don’t think so. Very sharp hurling analyst in my opinion.

I agree. He’s excellent on Second Captains

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Wagons being circled

He’s the fella that had Kilmallock hand passing everything last year.

Every one of these media hungry bastards who are eeking money from masquerading as chefs, from those Allen charlatans to Maguire to Dundon and another dozen cunts.
If I hear another suggestion about roast potatoes I’ll be dug out of one of them. My anger is compounded by the relevant Government shill (Byrne, Darcy etc) fawning and emitting slurping yum yummy at the fuckers. ‘Twould turn you off the feckin’ spuds entirely.




Lovely picture. :red_circle:

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I strongly suspect that in around 10 minutes time, Bradley Cooper will qualify for this category.
Tis the RTE Christmas night fillum.

Did he buy them in Primark? Did you see that clip where they came round his gaff for some YouTube video a few years back and he’d bags of white socks from Penneys cos they were so cheap? Was also using bottled water to boil the kettle :see_no_evil: