People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole


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Happy Christmas pal

Rio Ferdinand and his new wife. Can’t click on a link without them fawning over themselves. It’s obviously the new wife as the poor lady that died you’d rarely hear from. This wan has her eye on being on celebrity love island or NPHET or something.


Think she was that beforehand. Tough (as it can be for a multi millionaire) station he went through there. He seems happy to go along.

He’s trying to run both sides of the fence, the mature cerebral deep thinker, and the tatty media whore at the same time.

It’s a tricky divide to straddle not everyone can do it as well as some of us on here


Indeed mate.:slightly_smiling_face:

Think Rio also had a dalliance with one of the Sindo showbiz women from the Celtic Tiger era. You’d probably know the name if you ever stumbled across the Sindo Life pullout on your mother’s coffee table.

I hope so

Bryony Frost

David Jennings

Hazel Chu. The word “woke” was invented for the Lord Mayoress.


She got elected based on popularity gained from and ISF meme in on FB.

TJ Reid’s missus


Although I hate the negativity of the COTY competition which has become so prevalent on this site I feel compelled to record here that there is a lady from my home county who is starting to give me an outrageous pain in the hole - Ilona Duffy GP.

Ilona Duffy is well known as a doctor in Monaghan. I was very surprised when, a few months ago, I was listening to the news on Today FM when the newsreader announced “Monaghan GP Ilona Duffy says the latest case figures are very worrying”. “What”, I asked myself, “Is this bitch doing on the radio?” Since then I have heard Dr Duffy give her medical opinion on a diverse range of corona-related subjects, including refrigeration-supply-chain-logistics. Ilona is never off the radio. Is it Dr Duffy or Dr Soundbite?

On New Year’s Eve Dr Duffy made the following tweet:

I imagined a very witty response to this Tweet along the following lines:- “OK. I’m seriously starting to lose my faith in humanity. Doctors trying to exploit an awful pandemic to get famous by giving soundbites on refrigeration-supply-chain-logistics. Shameless” Unfortunately I couldn’t tweet that because I don’t have a twitter account.

Thanks you for listening to this account about why Ilona Duffy GP is giving me a pain in the hole.


She’s not wrong tho.

Some people just feel uncomfortable with the facts

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@Tank does have a point though, in that there are several GPs absolutely loving their new public profile. Leo’s pal Dr Matt was one of them too. That’s grand and all, but it’s gas when they’re criticising public behaviour and saying it’s leading to incredibly busy and stressful days in surgery…in between giving daily sound bites on several regional and national radio programmes, appearing on current affairs TV shows and panel programmes and spending much of the day interacting on Twitter.


You’re the problem. Try be the solution.